Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Third-person, Plural Construction Is?

white mice ... Award and a more

I am back with the mice ... we're coming to boredom, tell the truth! XD
are actually much less than I hoped, but I could not do much in those days.

The first is a white mouse, another Fiocchino of snow:
"Snowball? No, no, it was not me ..."

The Mouse, as usual, is a paste of corn, as the base and wings. On the wings I gave a pass plenty of pearl pigment, while the base is covered with artificial snow. Other

Fiocchino struggling with the mouse snow
"Michelangelo gives me a spoiler, I do!"
Michelangelo must be turning in his grave, but the topology is so convinced ... We can not tell him that perhaps Michelangelo is in a bit more clever! : D
And now an interloper, the one brown mouse:
'It is true, I ate almost all the cookies ... but I left right ones, you see? "

you forgive? :) In this case the tray and biscuits are corn flour dough.
The last picture for the size ... are high, about 2 cm:

This is the semi-artistic photos (oO) made by the brother ... He is trying tuuuutte functions of the new digital ... What is worse, the understanding is better than me!


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