Monday, January 24, 2011

Descargar Wrought Legs

rincojonimento Weapons of Mass Memory

The foreign press about Italy, you asks why a prime minister hit by such serious accusations, such as forced prostitution of minors, is still in place without arousing the indignation of the people.

Foreigners may not have a clear fact that Italy from the past twenty years is not a normal country . Before the year 90, a similar subject would not stay any longer in government, with fleeing abroad to avoid being lynched. But before the year 1990 would have been impossible the existence of a similar subject. What happened? It happened that for twenty years, in Italy there is a dirty war which is carried out with weapons of mass rincojonimento, a continuous bombardment, daily with no curfew which seriously damaged the gray matter of those at risk, those most exposed to radiation ether. The result was deadly. Quiet housewives aged 60 and over, with medium-low education, and as far transgression, instead of bunga bunga, I went to play bingo bingo hidden from family members, have made justify the unjustifiable. Years and years of broadcasting demented as GF, men and women, the various Sundays of Channel 5, quarrelsome characters Guaranteed clear vulgar, pornographic television, have undermined the reason good sense of the simple and ordinary persons. The program called for housewives and retirees, with languages \u200b\u200bin the mouth every 5 minutes, with tele-depth political brawls of unsavory individuals, have created the belief that everything is normal, reasonable, right.

When "their" president of the board behaves the same way they transposition from TV to see a real consistent, even commendable. When he lied in the video-communication, it is also true in an interpretation of the drama of men and women or radio-controlled tenants of big brother, or even the causes of the forum, because what is on TV is their reality of the world.

The major constituents are the ones who watch programs such as men and women to accentuate the grip, the authors have inserted characters of the same age and social conditions of the viewers, so that identification is total. It is a war in one way, no defenses, no immunity, which is not over and who knows when it will end if you end up. Radiation is continuous, there is still no cure, perhaps the time, but burned brain cells are no longer recoverable.

The overlap between entertainment and politics, that politics enters into the show, to reach the tele-voters more reluctant to challenging programs, is one of the latest forms of attack, the most virulent, political dance programs in light entertainment, gentlemen gossippari authoritative narrators become officers of the exploits of the knight polite between songs and gossip, singing the praises of the heroic and companies.

There is still hundreds of girls that the girls who attended assiduously the residences of the President, are themselves the product of these twenty years of rincojonimento. When he entered politics, many were not even born or were children. They grew up with television and the myth of easy gain, he has raised in the shadow of its programs. Berlusconi is their creator and then their user, the circle is closed. A powerful and perverse grandpa created from the pen of De Sade, respected and flattered by the populace, that the palace has closed its incredible and scandalous behavior. Imagination has turned into reality. E De Sade died in an asylum for having dared raccontaree reality (facts taken for mad ...).


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