Monday, January 17, 2011

Pavt234aww Performa Review

the snow falls ...

... ed è uno spettacolo talmente bello da lasciare a bocca aperta persino le fate. E, infatti, una bimba se ne stà fra le foglie quasi secche di un albero ad osservare i fiocchi che cadono piano piano, soffici, regalando un abito nuovo ai rami...

Ovviamente alla fatina ho messo a nice warm hood and a pair of boots, otherwise you froze in the middle there!
In this period are "seasonal" ... I find it better to follow the time for the fairies, and other winter fairy! Sopportatemi ...
As always, fairy dresses and leaves are corn flour dough. The base is part of a paste made with twigs and partly true, as the snow (dusted with pigment pearl glitters ...!) And the "fur" cloak and boots are made with synthetic snow. The ice, however, are drops of hot glue.

was a bit 'I wanted to do a little creature with the hood, I finally decided! He also
pearl wings, although very little notice, petticoat and lace:) In the sense that I printed on the dough lace true ... * _ * I piaaaceeee

The photo with my finger, the size:

I would say that now I am going to do something hot to shorty Otherwise, I am freezing ... maybe a nice chocolate, so drink it too! : D


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