Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mandingo At Gas Station

Mermaid Fairy with teddy bear rainbow

E' arrivata The first creature of 2011:) A siren very difficult to see ... has the scales and hair color of the rainbow ...

Then, it is a good start to the new year? I sure hope so ... you did not like me and gotten bronchitis, right? -.- Fly over my state of health, otherwise I get angry more, and talk about Miss ...
The siren is entirely in corn paste. The tail is made of the same flesh-colored body, while the fins are in natural pasta to make a little 'more transparent. On the tail there is a very large hand in white pearl and gloss in one pass.

I like to paint, I thought I'd be crazy more ... and, I admit, I liked the result! : D
The base is made with shells of various sizes, half pearls, sand and moss. For smaller shells and half pearls still a lot I have to thank Gloria [ Small World Hobby ] ... Useful is an understatement!

The photo with my finger ... this siren has already clear who will be her new mom:)

And I'm going to try a handkerchief ... nooooiaaaaa that!
We see you soon ... I have lots of ideas (and many things to finish) and I have not combined at all!


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