Thursday, January 6, 2011

Acronis Yukon Lan Drivers For Acronis

Hello friends and good epiphany at all!
My friends have worked so tonight as I did?
As coal and sweets you delivered?
You know, women can be some good witches ...
by that joke! Every so often it takes a bit of irony!

remember this holiday as a child I lived the great!
Mom made me find another gift and so many good things to eat. Today
saddens me a little because it takes away all the Christmas atmosphere that I love so much.
comfort me with the balance ... : D for the joy of who is beside me! Ready for another adventure!

About consolations .. these squid stuffed them magiamo always on Christmas Eve and pull really up morale. They are delicious! Try them too.

Ingredients for 4 people
4 medium squid
2 Sandwiches stale
2 cloves garlic
3 tablespoons Parmesan cheese 1 tablespoon

1 egg

4 tablespoons breadcrumbs
100 g of melted cheese fontina or other
100 g of Gaeta olives
a glass of white wine, parsley

extra virgin olive oil to taste


Clean squid. Keep these wings and tentantacoli.
Heat two tablespoons of olive oil in a frying pan and saute a clove of minced garlic with the tentacles.
Blend with half a glass of white wine. Turn off the heat and let cool.
Transfer into a mixing bowl and add the olives, pitted and chopped, soaked and squeezed bread,
egg, Parmesan, pecorino, fontina cubes. Add 3-4 tablespoons of bread crumbs until mixture is smooth and soft.
At this point, shred the wings of the squid and add them raw dough.
With the aid of a pastry bag or a spoon, fill the squid and secure end with a toothpick.
Heat again a pan with two tablespoons of olive oil and a clove of garlic.
Fry squid, sprinkle with the remaining white wine and cook for 15 minutes.
I suggest you cover the whole with the splash guard of PEDRINI thus avoid the risk of burning oil.

Serve slices on a fresh tomato sauce.


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