Saturday, January 15, 2011

Curved Red Lines On Sony Rear Projection Tv

winter vegetable soup with bacon

say that I recovered. I was ready to run away from Italy and start a new life across the globe while not lie in yet another adventure.
But I am a woman of good will and I decided to continue my normal life, yes, the car crashed, ending the collection of points and arguing with the clerk who does not want me to post the 30 recommendations that I offer on time every Monday morning with a stupid smile on his face.
Then, fortunately there are those times of day that nobody can take away.
For example, even if they are a great sleeper, I love to wake up early on winter mornings. Turn on the TV and hear on tv code, slip on the robe and sip a cup of instant hot cappuccino. Dress well and wear makeup as it should because "I have time."
And the moments of the night? Even better. Di nuovo in vestaglia, nelle lenzuola fresche che sanno di ammorbidente, con tanti cuscini dietro la schiena per scrivere meglio al pc, o guardare la mia fiction preferita con un'ottima tisana da bere. E' con quest'ultima immagine che vi lascio prima di sfogliare (finalmente) il libro di Nigella Lawson "Delizie divine", che è stato tradotto in italiano, e ho tanto desiderato. E' il mio premio della settimana, davvero meritato.

Se poi la sera avete bisogno di una cena che vi coccoli, preparate questa mia zuppa. Tagliare le verdure vi rilasserà e al primo cucchiaio anche le papille gustative vi ringrazieranno per il comfort food d'autore.

Ingredienti x 4 persone
1 litro e 1/2 di brodo vegetale
120 g di pancetta affumicata
400 g di patate
150 g di zucca
30 g di funghi secchi
1/2 porro
2 carote
sale qb
olio extra vergine d'oliva qb

Lasciate i funghi in ammollo in acqua tiepida per 10 minuti. Successivamente strizzateli e teneteli da parte.
sliced \u200b\u200bleeks and carrots, the latter cut them in half again.
Reduce diced pumpkin and potatoes, leaving a cut in half (I will explain why).
Bring the broth to a boil and dip the vegetables and bacon. Cook for 40 minutes.
With the help of a fork mashed potatoes previously left in the middle and stir thoroughly to a creamy soup. A tour of oil and cold food!


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