Friday, January 28, 2011

Maternity Sundress Patterns

The national natural

Sometimes, they come up with a majority of the sentences at the table prepared, approved by LongoGhedini duo, who go around repeating for a while, like a mantra. A few months ago went out of fashion: "We must secure the prime minister", and all to wonder by whom? behold, now it is understood by those who, from whores ... The last approved and stamped is that our prime minister to be judged by his natural judge. Wherever they are, the defenders willing to repeat Silvio 'is phrase, wherever it happens in the morning to the bathroom on the toilet, like a refrain for fear of forgetting: the president must be judged by his natural judge, the bar between sips of coffee: "... court natural "" How? want plain water? " He, in video messages, in self-blind, even to kids in schools: "I want to be judged by my natural judge." The children look at him curiously, who will this natural court? it is only provided him or even all of us we have one, kind guardian angel?
One student, after the historic meeting with the President as chairman of the last 150 years, mulling those words: "Teacher, why the president wants to die? "" What do you mean? "" She said she wants to be tried by the proper court ... "" So? "" The judge is natural San Pietro! "


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