Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Can U Get Herpes On Your Back

fileja bluefin tuna, pesto and pistachios

Quante sere ha una settimana? 7
E un mese? 30
Un anno? 365
No, non sono ancora diventata pazza e non voglio scoprire l'acqua calda, ma semplicemente fare un'osservazione.
Tra tutte queste sere ce ne sono pochissime in cui lui alza la testa dal piatto e dice: "ammazza ma con cosa l'hai fatto? E' buonissimo". Io Built to compliment and kiss him gloating.
Well, not that compliments the other days do not make them, but they are suddenly the most popular.
The guinea pig on the other hand would do well to nod and keep eating without problems, otherwise it will close up shop and will go on to boxes. :)
For this dish I have to share them with compliments ETERNAL flavors of Calabria, located online sales of local products and handicrafts from Calabria high quality with which I have the pleasure of working.
I tried several dishes and they are really exceptional, very soon there will be new recipes!
In the meantime I leave you with these fileja, Calabrian macaroni classic yarn by hand with a stick that leaves the interior porous and ready to hold the sauce combined with the best bluefin tuna. You will be amazed!

Serves 4

400 g spinach fileja Eternal flavors calabria
150 g of canned tuna Eternal flavors calabria
80 g of basil pesto
50 g of coarsely chopped pistachios

In a pan with a little oil, stir for a minute the pesto and the chopped tuna.
Boil pasta in abundant salted water and drained once it is ready add to the sauce with a spoon of its water. Add the pistachios, stir and serve.

* very soon, my recipe for pesto.


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