Friday, January 14, 2011

Facebook Chat How To Remain Invisible

19 2001 2011 You can think about the words of a mentally deviated?

now seems superfluous to comment on the statements of S B. It's like trying to explain the actions of a madman
like wise.
There are two cases, or believes that the majority of voters
is deficient or has him in a china increasingly steep and dangerous
for us all.
I'll try to do it for the umpteenth time, knowing full well that there should not be surprised or shocked if a crazy piss on the crowd. At most you suck, and I got tired of disgust. Ruby-case investigation

Silvio Berlusconi to the promoters of freedom:
"As usual, this story will end in nothing because nothing is based in
but in the meantime the Prime Minister and Italy have been muddy and no one pays then anything. "

1: It is expressed in the third person. Now identifies himself with the constitutional position, as if he owns the title and
as if Italy was one of his company.
2: The Presidency of the Council has not been tarnished by a third party, unless he
and at the Presidency of the Council is not muddy but offense. As a citizen
has discredited itself.
3: L'Italia non è Berlusconi, e nessuna nazione pensa che l'Italia si infanghi per l'azione di un singolo.
Semmai gli Italiani si possono infangare se, nonostante tutto, continueranno a dargli il consenso, in un futuro prossimo. Allora sì che gli stranieri ci guarderanno con commiserazione.
4: Ha ragione quando dice che nessuno pagherà alcunchè, cioé lui non pagherà alcunché
perché come al solito sfuggirà alle aule di tribunale.


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