Sunday, January 30, 2011

Death Anniversary Invitation Card Format

Birthday party clown with

would remind future generations from the personal account of D'Agostino at a birthday party Roman high society. Not the people in need of low Berlusconi. As written by D'Agostino, a man after what has been discovered, should go and hide under a manhole, he was invited with all the honors and fondled lovingly, homage, reverence. He needs them and they needed him. It's always been like that from the time of "The court and the Roman society in the XVIII and XIX, "by David Silvagni. For these people there who only provides benefits, without hesitation, morality and religion (Catholic) are a front view of cardboard to get respect from the populace, which continues to be taken for a ride. These the crisis did not even know where he is at home. bunga bunga laugh at the jokes of their insurer and demand of power. Chi is sicker than between them and him?

Saturday, January 29, 2011

What Happened To Kates Playground?


"It's a puttanaio ... It is true that it can do what he likes and how much he wants, but we also have the ability to "know how", and then there is always a limit. Instead, he continues, he defeated the first family, now is unraveling Italy, but no one says anything, "Licio Gelli
and if he says so ...
Last week, the day after the hisses from a street named after Craxi, Minzolini aired a tg 7 devoted to the revision of the figure of the politician. Besides his daughter Stefania second time is ripe for the Italians finally realize how valuable his father had. Here, in the light of the facts, it is almost just a revaluation Craxi, in comparison his apprentice. No one could have imagined that after him would come the worst. Craxi would have had to say to that nice little man who ridanciano rimpizzava the coffers of the party in exchange for ministerial? " molto da ridire; anche perché il tipetto appena salito al primo Governo, vigliaccamente prese le distanze da Craxi, seguendo i sondaggi, ed esaltò il pool Mani Pulite. Stefania forse era troppo piccola, di cervello, per ricordarlo, dato che difende Silvio a spada tratta. Sarebbe meglio che si andasse a delucidare da un socialista doc quale Rino Formica , già ministro del governo Craxi:
"Quelli degli anni Ottanta erano nani e ballerine a livello politico, questi sono nani e ballerine nella vita_ Berlusconi rappresenta il punto più alto, anzi dovremmo dire più basso della degenerazione del partito personale. Tutto nelle mani di un singolo uomo e, in questo caso, ricchissimo. Lui ha creato una forma ludica dell'autoritarismo. Non ci sono lager nazisti e i gulag sovietici, ma tutto s'è trasformato in un'orgia del potere_ Siamo a livello di sultanato arabo. Credo che non esista nel mondo occidentale una satrapia simile. Questa identificazione di se stesso con il potere ha fatto perdere a Berlusconi il senso della realtà. Forse è davvero convinto che ciò che fa non è un male, ma è un bene. Il suo è ormai un caso che va affrontato con molta umanità..."
E sulla corte intorno al satrapo, poche e precise parole dell'avvocato Taormina : ''Inetti, incapaci, yes men che stanno soltanto tutelando se stessi. Persone immorali, nani e ballerine he brought in Parliament, who understand that the collapse of Berlusconi and 'even their end.''
Bettino compared to Silvio was a giant dellla policy, the time is right to say it.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Maternity Sundress Patterns

The national natural

Sometimes, they come up with a majority of the sentences at the table prepared, approved by LongoGhedini duo, who go around repeating for a while, like a mantra. A few months ago went out of fashion: "We must secure the prime minister", and all to wonder by whom? behold, now it is understood by those who, from whores ... The last approved and stamped is that our prime minister to be judged by his natural judge. Wherever they are, the defenders willing to repeat Silvio 'is phrase, wherever it happens in the morning to the bathroom on the toilet, like a refrain for fear of forgetting: the president must be judged by his natural judge, the bar between sips of coffee: "... court natural "" How? want plain water? " He, in video messages, in self-blind, even to kids in schools: "I want to be judged by my natural judge." The children look at him curiously, who will this natural court? it is only provided him or even all of us we have one, kind guardian angel?
One student, after the historic meeting with the President as chairman of the last 150 years, mulling those words: "Teacher, why the president wants to die? "" What do you mean? "" She said she wants to be tried by the proper court ... "" So? "" The judge is natural San Pietro! "

Can You Remove A Uterus During A D&c

beer with chestnuts and cashews Chocolate chip muffins

Hello friends! Despite the problems of connection I was able to publish a recipe by the end of the week:) To say goodbye, these days I did some touch and go from your office PC ma postare qualcosa era praticamente impossibile! Troppo lavoro e troppa gente intorno...voi mi capite vero? :)

Diciamo che per compensare l'astinenza informatica mi sono buttata sul teleshopping...ho scoperto un canale di shopping meraviglioso che propone marche che conosco molto bene a prezzi vantaggiosi e così ho acquistato qualcosina. A quest'ora sono già a quota 2 maglie, un pantalone, una yogurtiera (che non userò mai), e un gioiello.
Meno male che da oggi la linea del pc è tornata a meraviglia e quindi (ma non ci credo) non ci dovrebbero essere più tentazioni, soprattutto per la gioia del mio ragazzo ;)

La ricetta del giorno è squisita e introduce una serie di proposte che realizzerò con i fantastici prodotti NOBERASCO  un'azienda ligure nata nel 1908 per offrirci frutta secca e disidratata di alta qualità.
Per me è un piacere collaborare con questo autorevole marchio e sono sicura che piacerà anche a voi.
L'aggiunta in questo caso delle caso delle castagne accentua la dolcezza della birra e gli anacardi (che per chi non li conoscesse, sono molto simili alle arachidi) donano sapidità e croccantezza. Un connubio di sapori e consistenze da provare :D

Ingredienti per 4 persone
8 sovraccosce o fusi di pollo
2 stalks of celery 1 medium onion

2 medium carrots
80 g chestnut soft Noberasco you find here
60 g salted cashews
1 / 2 liter of beer low alcohol about 4.5/4.7
extra virgin olive
salt and pepper to taste Preparation

Cut into small cubes, celery, carrots and onion. Heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a frying pan, add the mix of vegetables and let cook for 5 minutes. Blend with half a glass of beer and let it evaporate. Add chicken and brown on both sides. Add salt and pepper to your taste. Gradually add the beer to the cooking of the chicken and let it reduce until sauce create a shortlist. Before serving, add cashews chestnuts Noberasco I remember, they are already cooked, shelled and ready for use, more convenient than that!

And now hidden object and what you read here has arrived in my inbox:

cooking is your passion and dreams of becoming a great chef?

Then this is your chance. Arrives on Sky (DTT channel 26) Masterchef ITALY: il primo talent show per appassionati di cucina!
Aspiranti cuochi provenienti da tutte le regioni si scontreranno sotto gli occhi di una giuria di esperti che li metterà a dura prova.
Vuoi diventare il primo Masterchef d’Italia? Potrai vincere un importante premio in denaro e pubblicare un libro di ricette tutto tuo!
Se credi di avere gli ingredienti giusti, chiama il numero 02. 87 38 14 82 oppure scrivi a
Per maggiori informazioni visita il sito

Ho telefonato per candidarmi e mi hanno detto che mi contatteranno per i casting, sono felice per questa opportunità e voi? Chiamate!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Kates Playground Sailor


not all awakenings are the same

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Card Games Frustration Rules

shooting stars: black

I thought you were gone ... and yet nothing to do, are still here! : D
What have I done these days? I looked at the sky and saw a shooting star that fell softly clutching a desire ...

It seems that you would come to find his younger sisters: these here, remember them? She is more hail, more a girl than a girl, though, just like other stars, holds the wishes:)

back a bit 'down to earth ... The fairy is made entirely of corn paste, as well as the base (slightly polished). The circle is transparent, as for the other shooting stars, a ring of tents: D
To suit fairy I used the usual method of PVA glue, spreading the color twice: first a coat of black pearl and then to obtain a more brilliant:)

I still had two rings to use and, since I had a great desire to try to make a total black star, I started to work. As usual, though, I had to change something other than ... therefore suit different ages and different wings of the different creature. Short, more than anything!

The photo with my finger to the size ... the overall height is approximately 8 cm:
Ora mi rimane l'ultimo anello, devo solo decidere il colore... mi toccherà affidarmi a un metodo scientifico come l'ambarabàciccìcoccò per scegliere...
Noi ci vediamo prestissimo... nel frattempo esprimete un desiderio! :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Descargar Wrought Legs

rincojonimento Weapons of Mass Memory

The foreign press about Italy, you asks why a prime minister hit by such serious accusations, such as forced prostitution of minors, is still in place without arousing the indignation of the people.

Foreigners may not have a clear fact that Italy from the past twenty years is not a normal country . Before the year 90, a similar subject would not stay any longer in government, with fleeing abroad to avoid being lynched. But before the year 1990 would have been impossible the existence of a similar subject. What happened? It happened that for twenty years, in Italy there is a dirty war which is carried out with weapons of mass rincojonimento, a continuous bombardment, daily with no curfew which seriously damaged the gray matter of those at risk, those most exposed to radiation ether. The result was deadly. Quiet housewives aged 60 and over, with medium-low education, and as far transgression, instead of bunga bunga, I went to play bingo bingo hidden from family members, have made justify the unjustifiable. Years and years of broadcasting demented as GF, men and women, the various Sundays of Channel 5, quarrelsome characters Guaranteed clear vulgar, pornographic television, have undermined the reason good sense of the simple and ordinary persons. The program called for housewives and retirees, with languages \u200b\u200bin the mouth every 5 minutes, with tele-depth political brawls of unsavory individuals, have created the belief that everything is normal, reasonable, right.

When "their" president of the board behaves the same way they transposition from TV to see a real consistent, even commendable. When he lied in the video-communication, it is also true in an interpretation of the drama of men and women or radio-controlled tenants of big brother, or even the causes of the forum, because what is on TV is their reality of the world.

The major constituents are the ones who watch programs such as men and women to accentuate the grip, the authors have inserted characters of the same age and social conditions of the viewers, so that identification is total. It is a war in one way, no defenses, no immunity, which is not over and who knows when it will end if you end up. Radiation is continuous, there is still no cure, perhaps the time, but burned brain cells are no longer recoverable.

The overlap between entertainment and politics, that politics enters into the show, to reach the tele-voters more reluctant to challenging programs, is one of the latest forms of attack, the most virulent, political dance programs in light entertainment, gentlemen gossippari authoritative narrators become officers of the exploits of the knight polite between songs and gossip, singing the praises of the heroic and companies.

There is still hundreds of girls that the girls who attended assiduously the residences of the President, are themselves the product of these twenty years of rincojonimento. When he entered politics, many were not even born or were children. They grew up with television and the myth of easy gain, he has raised in the shadow of its programs. Berlusconi is their creator and then their user, the circle is closed. A powerful and perverse grandpa created from the pen of De Sade, respected and flattered by the populace, that the palace has closed its incredible and scandalous behavior. Imagination has turned into reality. E De Sade died in an asylum for having dared raccontaree reality (facts taken for mad ...).

Friday, January 21, 2011

Destruct O Match Solver

Since I bought "Divine Delights" by Nigella Lawson's journey to the shelves of the market as an idiot.
I look around and I still think of muffins, cakes, biscuits to repeat now because I know that the recipes do not disappoint me that woman ever.
Then come back to this department of vegetables to my diet in the days of famine I have to pay for ... well, it certainly will be worth the effort, but I can not mess up the little cakes. For heaven's sake, I love ten thousand times more salty, but understood as leavened sfizioserie, or little things that do not cook often because it takes more time than I normally do. And so when I want to comfort me I prefer to make a cake, muffins or loaf because they are greedy of biscuits for breakfast or tea.
What you see were my "last cakes" before starting the diet, is a recipe I developed to use beautiful white chocolate chips that I bought a Monaco di Baviera.
What should I tell you ... I try to feed me with your eyes:)

Ingredients 250 g self raising flour 00
150 g white chocolate chips
125 g sugar 120 ml milk
75 g of butter
75 g dark chocolate
20 g cocoa
2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Preparation Melt the chocolate in a double boiler with butter.
In a bowl mix all dry ingredients (flour, sugar, cocoa) and all other liquid ingredients (eggs, vanilla extract, milk).
Combine pasta and meat and mix well. Add il cioccolato fuso e intiepidito e infine le gocce di cioccolato. Riempire 3/4 degli stampini e aggiungere altre gocce in superficie.
Infornare a 180° per 20 minuti circa.

Disposable Makeup Applicators

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Where Do You Buy Sand For Hurricane Lamps


"Parliament will make the necessary reforms to ensure that any judge can no longer try to take out people who have been unlawfully elected by the citizens"

This scandal has given strong words of 20 irresponsible that support his government. But I do not think that the "necessary reforms" will be allowed on the . It would be a shame too indigestible for Italians honest, who already have the sick for the obvious lies he tells. If his arrogance of power does not come down, and if they will support the destruction of democracy, it will be worse. At that point, the revolution hoped for by Monicelli could take shape. Some think that we will not get that far because it will call the Creator, but dictators have a long life because they are not consumed by the weight of guilt (Franco Tito Castro Pinochet ...). And it's not dignified resolve problems with the death of a person, although detestable. It is a revolution that left him in a Christian life.

"Punishing those judges," Toto Reina also expressed this will ... and carried it out ...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Can U Get Herpes On Your Back

fileja bluefin tuna, pesto and pistachios

Quante sere ha una settimana? 7
E un mese? 30
Un anno? 365
No, non sono ancora diventata pazza e non voglio scoprire l'acqua calda, ma semplicemente fare un'osservazione.
Tra tutte queste sere ce ne sono pochissime in cui lui alza la testa dal piatto e dice: "ammazza ma con cosa l'hai fatto? E' buonissimo". Io Built to compliment and kiss him gloating.
Well, not that compliments the other days do not make them, but they are suddenly the most popular.
The guinea pig on the other hand would do well to nod and keep eating without problems, otherwise it will close up shop and will go on to boxes. :)
For this dish I have to share them with compliments ETERNAL flavors of Calabria, located online sales of local products and handicrafts from Calabria high quality with which I have the pleasure of working.
I tried several dishes and they are really exceptional, very soon there will be new recipes!
In the meantime I leave you with these fileja, Calabrian macaroni classic yarn by hand with a stick that leaves the interior porous and ready to hold the sauce combined with the best bluefin tuna. You will be amazed!

Serves 4

400 g spinach fileja Eternal flavors calabria
150 g of canned tuna Eternal flavors calabria
80 g of basil pesto
50 g of coarsely chopped pistachios

In a pan with a little oil, stir for a minute the pesto and the chopped tuna.
Boil pasta in abundant salted water and drained once it is ready add to the sauce with a spoon of its water. Add the pistachios, stir and serve.

* very soon, my recipe for pesto.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Pavt234aww Performa Review

the snow falls ...

... ed è uno spettacolo talmente bello da lasciare a bocca aperta persino le fate. E, infatti, una bimba se ne stà fra le foglie quasi secche di un albero ad osservare i fiocchi che cadono piano piano, soffici, regalando un abito nuovo ai rami...

Ovviamente alla fatina ho messo a nice warm hood and a pair of boots, otherwise you froze in the middle there!
In this period are "seasonal" ... I find it better to follow the time for the fairies, and other winter fairy! Sopportatemi ...
As always, fairy dresses and leaves are corn flour dough. The base is part of a paste made with twigs and partly true, as the snow (dusted with pigment pearl glitters ...!) And the "fur" cloak and boots are made with synthetic snow. The ice, however, are drops of hot glue.

was a bit 'I wanted to do a little creature with the hood, I finally decided! He also
pearl wings, although very little notice, petticoat and lace:) In the sense that I printed on the dough lace true ... * _ * I piaaaceeee

The photo with my finger, the size:

I would say that now I am going to do something hot to shorty Otherwise, I am freezing ... maybe a nice chocolate, so drink it too! : D

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Curved Red Lines On Sony Rear Projection Tv

winter vegetable soup with bacon

say that I recovered. I was ready to run away from Italy and start a new life across the globe while not lie in yet another adventure.
But I am a woman of good will and I decided to continue my normal life, yes, the car crashed, ending the collection of points and arguing with the clerk who does not want me to post the 30 recommendations that I offer on time every Monday morning with a stupid smile on his face.
Then, fortunately there are those times of day that nobody can take away.
For example, even if they are a great sleeper, I love to wake up early on winter mornings. Turn on the TV and hear on tv code, slip on the robe and sip a cup of instant hot cappuccino. Dress well and wear makeup as it should because "I have time."
And the moments of the night? Even better. Di nuovo in vestaglia, nelle lenzuola fresche che sanno di ammorbidente, con tanti cuscini dietro la schiena per scrivere meglio al pc, o guardare la mia fiction preferita con un'ottima tisana da bere. E' con quest'ultima immagine che vi lascio prima di sfogliare (finalmente) il libro di Nigella Lawson "Delizie divine", che è stato tradotto in italiano, e ho tanto desiderato. E' il mio premio della settimana, davvero meritato.

Se poi la sera avete bisogno di una cena che vi coccoli, preparate questa mia zuppa. Tagliare le verdure vi rilasserà e al primo cucchiaio anche le papille gustative vi ringrazieranno per il comfort food d'autore.

Ingredienti x 4 persone
1 litro e 1/2 di brodo vegetale
120 g di pancetta affumicata
400 g di patate
150 g di zucca
30 g di funghi secchi
1/2 porro
2 carote
sale qb
olio extra vergine d'oliva qb

Lasciate i funghi in ammollo in acqua tiepida per 10 minuti. Successivamente strizzateli e teneteli da parte.
sliced \u200b\u200bleeks and carrots, the latter cut them in half again.
Reduce diced pumpkin and potatoes, leaving a cut in half (I will explain why).
Bring the broth to a boil and dip the vegetables and bacon. Cook for 40 minutes.
With the help of a fork mashed potatoes previously left in the middle and stir thoroughly to a creamy soup. A tour of oil and cold food!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Facebook Chat How To Remain Invisible

19 2001 2011 You can think about the words of a mentally deviated?

now seems superfluous to comment on the statements of S B. It's like trying to explain the actions of a madman
like wise.
There are two cases, or believes that the majority of voters
is deficient or has him in a china increasingly steep and dangerous
for us all.
I'll try to do it for the umpteenth time, knowing full well that there should not be surprised or shocked if a crazy piss on the crowd. At most you suck, and I got tired of disgust. Ruby-case investigation

Silvio Berlusconi to the promoters of freedom:
"As usual, this story will end in nothing because nothing is based in
but in the meantime the Prime Minister and Italy have been muddy and no one pays then anything. "

1: It is expressed in the third person. Now identifies himself with the constitutional position, as if he owns the title and
as if Italy was one of his company.
2: The Presidency of the Council has not been tarnished by a third party, unless he
and at the Presidency of the Council is not muddy but offense. As a citizen
has discredited itself.
3: L'Italia non è Berlusconi, e nessuna nazione pensa che l'Italia si infanghi per l'azione di un singolo.
Semmai gli Italiani si possono infangare se, nonostante tutto, continueranno a dargli il consenso, in un futuro prossimo. Allora sì che gli stranieri ci guarderanno con commiserazione.
4: Ha ragione quando dice che nessuno pagherà alcunchè, cioé lui non pagherà alcunché
perché come al solito sfuggirà alle aule di tribunale.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Kingdom Hearts 2 Emulator Mac

wholemeal roll with cottage cheese

week could not start worse.
car accident, breaking the boiler, a strict diet.
But since the life we \u200b\u200bspend in installments, because the trouble is not a book and come at a time?
just makes you pay and everything is resolved eh!

Good thing as I tell my misadventures I smile, because with my self control I can see (and lucky) the glass always half full. :)

Today's recipe I have to admit that excites me a lot.
Since I have the bread machine I have experienced only cakes and pizzas.
This is my first baking in the oven (baked bread directly from the camera will not even consider) and I'm very proud. They have a rustic flavor and are soft enough, I like it.


250 g of water
3 tablespoons oil
10 g sugar 12 g salt
150 g of cottage cheese
350 g of wheat flour MOLINO FREEDMAN
150 g of flour manitoba MOLINO FREEDMAN
13 g of fresh yeast or 4 g of freeze-dried mastrofornaio.

For cooking
2 tablespoons milk
a handful of linseed MOLINO FREEDMAN

If you use the bread machine, place the ingredients in the bowl in the order they were listed.
Run the program and rising dough (mine lasts 1 hour and a half).
When ready, knead 5 minutes and transfer it with your hands a little flour into a bowl and let stand for another 2 hours in refrigerator. A
Now you can spread it to make muffins or divide it into balls of about 80 g.
affect each a small cross, brush with milk and topped with flax seed.
Bake at 200 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Third-person, Plural Construction Is?

white mice ... Award and a more

I am back with the mice ... we're coming to boredom, tell the truth! XD
are actually much less than I hoped, but I could not do much in those days.

The first is a white mouse, another Fiocchino of snow:
"Snowball? No, no, it was not me ..."

The Mouse, as usual, is a paste of corn, as the base and wings. On the wings I gave a pass plenty of pearl pigment, while the base is covered with artificial snow. Other

Fiocchino struggling with the mouse snow
"Michelangelo gives me a spoiler, I do!"
Michelangelo must be turning in his grave, but the topology is so convinced ... We can not tell him that perhaps Michelangelo is in a bit more clever! : D
And now an interloper, the one brown mouse:
'It is true, I ate almost all the cookies ... but I left right ones, you see? "

you forgive? :) In this case the tray and biscuits are corn flour dough.
The last picture for the size ... are high, about 2 cm:

This is the semi-artistic photos (oO) made by the brother ... He is trying tuuuutte functions of the new digital ... What is worse, the understanding is better than me!

Recent Innovations In Beef Cattle Breeds


Mi sono iscritta a un nuovo blog Candy: il BookCandy di Elisa [ Estrosamente ]! In palio c'è il suo ultimo libro scritto a quattro mani... vi assicuro che vale la pena partecipare, io ho già letto uno dei suoi libri *__*
Per partecipare cliccate QUI ... scade il 31 gennaio!

E ora anche un premio... quello che mi ha assegnato Lilybets [ Nel bosco di Lilybets ]... grazie! :***

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Authentic Aztec Costume

Cocotte of eggs, bacon and sour cream stuffed squid

Luckily, the balances were to comfort me.
The apocalyptic scenes that occurred before these two eyes are to be forgotten and tomorrow there will be only one fixed idea: the diet.
I know, I know, it's a bit of time I promise to be hard and every time I yield to the temptation to cook something good with the excuse "ok, I do it for the blog."
This time I'll have to keep promises to force the pc I have some recipes in the queue and are in a good mood. June can not catch me by surprise! From tomorrow only healthy things! About

instead of good things (heh heh), I have a new setting: the preparations in casserole.
I spotted a pretty good book and very soon will my .
Meanwhile one of my recipe. Delicious, by foot.
Yes, I have not forgotten. From tomorrow only healthy things. Yes


Serves 2

4 slices of bacon
180 ml sour cream 2 eggs

salt and pepper to taste
toast or muffins

Preparation In a bowl, add salt and pepper cream acid.
Transfer it into casserole, place the bacon in one of its sides and open the egg in the center, season with salt and pepper.
Bake in water bath in a pan with water halfway up the casserole at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.
Serve with toast or scones.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Acronis Yukon Lan Drivers For Acronis

Hello friends and good epiphany at all!
My friends have worked so tonight as I did?
As coal and sweets you delivered?
You know, women can be some good witches ...
by that joke! Every so often it takes a bit of irony!

remember this holiday as a child I lived the great!
Mom made me find another gift and so many good things to eat. Today
saddens me a little because it takes away all the Christmas atmosphere that I love so much.
comfort me with the balance ... : D for the joy of who is beside me! Ready for another adventure!

About consolations .. these squid stuffed them magiamo always on Christmas Eve and pull really up morale. They are delicious! Try them too.

Ingredients for 4 people
4 medium squid
2 Sandwiches stale
2 cloves garlic
3 tablespoons Parmesan cheese 1 tablespoon

1 egg

4 tablespoons breadcrumbs
100 g of melted cheese fontina or other
100 g of Gaeta olives
a glass of white wine, parsley

extra virgin olive oil to taste


Clean squid. Keep these wings and tentantacoli.
Heat two tablespoons of olive oil in a frying pan and saute a clove of minced garlic with the tentacles.
Blend with half a glass of white wine. Turn off the heat and let cool.
Transfer into a mixing bowl and add the olives, pitted and chopped, soaked and squeezed bread,
egg, Parmesan, pecorino, fontina cubes. Add 3-4 tablespoons of bread crumbs until mixture is smooth and soft.
At this point, shred the wings of the squid and add them raw dough.
With the aid of a pastry bag or a spoon, fill the squid and secure end with a toothpick.
Heat again a pan with two tablespoons of olive oil and a clove of garlic.
Fry squid, sprinkle with the remaining white wine and cook for 15 minutes.
I suggest you cover the whole with the splash guard of PEDRINI thus avoid the risk of burning oil.

Serve slices on a fresh tomato sauce.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mandingo At Gas Station

Mermaid Fairy with teddy bear rainbow

E' arrivata The first creature of 2011:) A siren very difficult to see ... has the scales and hair color of the rainbow ...

Then, it is a good start to the new year? I sure hope so ... you did not like me and gotten bronchitis, right? -.- Fly over my state of health, otherwise I get angry more, and talk about Miss ...
The siren is entirely in corn paste. The tail is made of the same flesh-colored body, while the fins are in natural pasta to make a little 'more transparent. On the tail there is a very large hand in white pearl and gloss in one pass.

I like to paint, I thought I'd be crazy more ... and, I admit, I liked the result! : D
The base is made with shells of various sizes, half pearls, sand and moss. For smaller shells and half pearls still a lot I have to thank Gloria [ Small World Hobby ] ... Useful is an understatement!

The photo with my finger ... this siren has already clear who will be her new mom:)

And I'm going to try a handkerchief ... nooooiaaaaa that!
We see you soon ... I have lots of ideas (and many things to finish) and I have not combined at all!