Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Milk And Honey For Insomnia?

Almond Shortbread

Auguroni a tutte le donne che leggono questo blog!
Diciamo che non amo le feste commerciali, ma questo è un giorno speciale, grazie al quale almeno una volta all'anno ricordo la mia fortuna di essere donna.

Vi omaggio con questa torta che è sicuramente un classico della pasticceria, soprattutto casalinga. E’ la semplice e buona torta mimosa.
Ho apportato delle piccole modifiche alla ricetta orginale, ma non è niente di chissà quanto innovativo. La trovo semplicemente una variante golosa. L’ho fatta per il mio compleanno e gli amici sono rimasti entusiasti. Così come spero, lo saranno i vostri.
C’è un piccolo trucco: the sponge of my mother. You will be surprised, she does it with baking powder for cakes, unusual ingredient for this basis that does not need to "inflate". Still, it's better than mine.

Ingredients 250 g sugar 230 g

8 eggs 1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 500 g
250 g of fresh cream
200 g of white chocolate flakes
250 ml of lemon
250 ml of water
3 tablespoons granulated sugar


In two separate bowls yolks from the whites. Mount the first whites with a dash of lemon and the second with the sugar until frothy. Add to this mix the flour and baking powder sifted from the bottom up. Combine the egg whites also always with gentle movements and vanilla. Divide the mixture on two baking sheets with butter and flour, a larger base of 24-26 cm, which will give the cake and the other smaller than 20-22 cm where the sponge is cooked, which is used for decoration.

Bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes and 20 largest minutes, the small, static oven.

Prepare custard according this recipe and very cold whipping cream.
Add the cream to the cream (cooled) with movements from the bottom up to get an Italian custard.

Heat the water on the fire and the 3 tablespoons of sugar until you obtain a homogeneous syrup. Turn off the heat and add the lemon.

Once the cooled sponge cake cut into 3 parts and larger wet first base evenly with the syrup, with the help of a pastry brush, then add the first layer of crema e metà del cioccolato bianco. Coprire con il disco centrale, bagnarlo e ripetere l'operazione della crema e del cioccolato. Comprire con l'ultimo strato di pan di spagna, e bagnare anch'esso. Con una spatola stendere un un pò di crema pasticcera o panna per creare una "colla" per il passaggio successivo:
togliere la crosta al pan di spagna piccolo e tagliarlo a fettine da ridurre a cubetti. Con questi, ricoprire la torta per dare l'effetto mimosa.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Cultural Festival Themes

The guardian of the forest snails

I believe that now is quite clear how the snails are funny ... these animals are also very popular by the fairies of the workshop, so that there is a fairy in particular that protects them:) So look out to annoy the snails: is small, but I assure you that there is no need to make her angry! : D

back a little (very little) more serious ... The fairy is made entirely of corn paste, as well as the three snails (the shell, however, is true). The dress of the girl is pasta, but the underskirt, gloves and necklace are made with PVA glue. The bodice is made up of so many snails in corn paste and glue beads one by one ... help oO
The base is wood, finished with the dough to make it stand.

Actually this is a project "failed" because the little one had to be dressed in blue. Too bad he completely wrong model of the dress -.-
You can see that she just did not like the blue ...

The photo with my finger to the size ... the overall height is approximately 8 cm:

What do you say, can go as a guardian? Look who took his role very seriously ... here are nuts everywhere! : P

Friday, March 4, 2011

Vnu Registry Mechanic


Some of the mice that had led to Miniaturitalia and that I was not able to post:) These three are
wild mice, as always in corn paste.

Topino with the snail:
"And where do you take these mobile homes?"

addition to the mouse are also the basis of corn pasta, mushroom and nut ... in fact it is only the puppet pulp, the shell is true:)

This topology, however, has met a butterfly
"What a strange creature ... You're not dangerous?"

Again corn paste for butterfly, basic and mushrooms. Last

hairy beast ... the little mouse sleeper:
"Five more minutes mom ... zzz ..."

The topology sleeping in the cap of an acorn, right. He has found a home:)
A photo with the 20 cent coin for size ... all the mice are high around 1.5 / 2 cm:

And now I run because I have to finish a young lady ... I left with no arms oO Just puts it uses them to beat me in my ...

Baby Finger Pus Drained

Blog Candy Handcrafted ... and awards:)

New Blog Candy ... to Handcrafted - the magazine ! As I wrote a few posts ago "my" forum (people, I can be considered a bit 'my yes? * _ *) A few months ago, the magazine has also ... There are creative interviews, articles, tutorials, recipes accessible and downloadable for free (in the left column girders numbers out).
Now the staff have a blog called ... Candy to win a shopping bag with the logo of the forum and the phrase Edgar Allan Poe: "Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things most of those who dream only by night."
To participate click HERE and follow the rules, there is time until March 21. Not only ... if your contributions to the March issue with something that you, not only will you be welcomed with open arms but you will also have a double chance to win:)
And now the awards ... I have to thank for this Sasha [ Creations Sasha ], both for the award for the wonderful things you said about me * _ * and Ilaria [ Ilaria .. . paper and its ] very nice woman known through the forum. Grazieee!
Another award ... This has given me Alessandra [ Creatures OOAK Ale ], also a partner of forums like the other two girls up there ... grazissime Ale! : ***

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Congratulation Wordings On Baby

mimosa cake with cream and cherry jam

Buongiorno a tutte/i e buon inizio di Marzo!
Voglio anzitutto chiedervi scusa per la mia recente assenza dai vostri blog, nonchè dal mio, ma questa was a pretty intense week!
flu, problems connecting to the PC, my first burn to the hand in the oven ... but fortunately my birthday February 24:)

Now everything is solved, the fever is gone, the computer is restored, the hand is bandaged and I find myself with more years! Eh eh!

I admit, some peccadillo me for my birthday I am given, I made a wonderful cake that I will post the mimosa 'March 8 and tasty little things to celebrate in the office. Just do not let
for "dry" will result (and sorry for the photo but I was running with one hand and less) a recipe for a tart that I had so successfully among his colleagues.

To realize I used the magic and quick preparation of custard MOLINO CHIAVAZZA and delicious cherry jam bells company that produces natural products, like home-made, must try .
The pan is used for pies with detachable bottom GUARDINI which is a real help in the kitchen.
you ever had to cook in the classic baking your pies and to break them out?
With the removable bottom of Guardini this will not happen again! For more information please
click here.

Ingredients 300 g flour 00
180 g caster sugar 180 g butter

150 g almond flour (or finely ground almonds) 1 egg
and 2 egg
a pinch of salt
a pinch of baking soda

Preparation shortbread ALMOND

1. In a large bowl or clean the table you have "fountain" 00 and that the flour and almonds.
2. Add the middle sugar, eggs, cold butter cut into chunks with the knife, salt and baking soda.
3. You begin to tweak the ingredients with your fingers and then with your hands quickly, and get to mix solid un'impasto to be given a ball to be wrapped in foil.
4. Let rest in refrigerator for at least 10 or 20 minutes in freezer.

It 'obvious that you can do the operation with the mixer.

In the meantime prepare the custard according this recipe or use the fast preparation of Molino Chiavazza you can find here .
Just open a bag of prepared, pour into a bowl with high sides, add 300 ml of milk and with the help of a whisk in 3 minutes, the cream will be pronta.

Una volta trascorso il tempo di posa, stendete la pasta frolla con un'altezza di mezzo cm, sistematela nella teglia facendola aderire bene sul fondo e sui bordi, eliminando gli eccessi con un coltello.
Stendete la crema pasticcera e la confettura di ciliegie. Chiudete con le classiche strisce di pasta di due cm circa per creare l'effetto crostata.
Infornate a 180° C per 35/40 minuti.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Can Tendonitis Get You A Medical Marijuana Card?

Pearl's Mermaid Fairy

In Bottega got a new siren ... in his hand he holds a shell with a pearl inside. Just ask whoever is bringing, I did not want him to say! : D

What do you think of the new fish? I must be honest: I like it! Now we prepare tomorrow must go to her new mother who had commissioned me (Cristinaaaaa :***)... I think the pearl is for you, because you liked it even when it was not over yet:)

The siren is, as usual, finished with corn paste microbeads and shells. This time it has more fins than usual and I must say that the result satisfied me more than I thought! The
squamette the bust in relief, applied one by one ( Rory , wonderful woman ... but how do you do all those feathers without losing patience?).
hair on the mermaid's tail and I spent a very watered down coat of pearl white and then, on the tail, a bit 'of polish to make it appear a little' sticky ':

The base is made up of shells, sand, moss and half pearls.
The mollusc that holds is "built" in the sense that I glued the two shells and then I added a bead as a pearl. Hence the title of the post ... in Italian in English because I do not sound good XD

size ... the whole is about 11 cm high:

I'll see if it is done to pack ... We see you very soon! :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Feminist Brazilian Waxing


I think the title you can imagine what kind of creature has come into the shop ... appearance is like a fairy the other, but it is always followed by the mice ... and if you look carefully you will find that, like them, has two soft pink ears and a long tail:

currently has Topoli all around! But I would say that is normal, as the protector of the sprite critters moustached ...
to the idea of \u200b\u200bthis fairy I have to thank Susanna [ Valdombra Fairies ], who suggested it to me and left me to take a cue from his Fairy Topina ... if you want to see the splendid fairy original (which I will surely pine cones in her head twisted XD) look HERE .

Turning to the technical notes ... the fairy, as well as mice, the basket and fungi, are entirely of corn paste. The hood and part of the dress are vinavil double layer this time. I joined together two sheets, so as to make it more durable.
The base, however, is a piece of bark.
You notice the ear between the curls? :)

The mice are smaller than usual (about half) and feature a new chocolate brown fur: D I had to try this too ... you say, I add the colors of Topoli?
The idea was to represent the puppies ... with a two-legged puppy seemed to me that Four of the puppies were all right:)

a special mushroom:

And the size ... including base, the height is about 9 cm:

I'm going to see where they are strung fairy and Topol ... I feel as I find them in the kitchen ...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Southpark For My Iphone

pistachio pesto risotto with bacon and smoked cheese pie with meat and sour

Devo dire che quello che più mi manca quando sono a dieta sono i dolci... il profumo di una torta di mele, la morbidezza di un pan di spagna, la golosità di un muffin...ah! I sacrifici non sono vani amici miei! Oggi festeggio il mio primo complemese diet .... and have to share - 5 kg! :)
I am very happy and I really have to thank Clare, the nutritionist who follows me and that each weighing gratifies me with a peccadillo. What I have given this Sunday is well represented in this post and I did not regret the things like that ... It is understood by reading the ingredients.
It 's a risotto when I combined the flavors of the north to those in the south (as in time of celebrations of the unification of Italy is not bad) and the combination is simple and tasty. I advise you to do it now!

For the pistachio pesto I have to thank JUST SICILY company per l'appunto siciliana che anche online offre un'ampia gamma di prodotti da quelli alimentari a quelli più tipici.
Il riso invece, arriva direttamente dalla pianura padana, esattamente dalla provincia di Pavia, ringrazio di cuore Maura che ha creduto nel blog mettendomi a disposizione delle eccellenze prodotte dalla sua azienda LE CAMPANELLE  che vi invito a visitare "virtualmente"; anche in questo caso è possibile approfittare della vendita telematica.

Beh, che dire, ho perso 5 kg, collaboro con aziende fantastiche e tra pochi giorni festeggerò il compleanno...una settimana davvero entusiasmante :)

Ingredienti per 4 people

400 g of rice Superfino Carnaroli "The Bells"
150 g pistachio pesto "Just Sicily
150 g smoked
100 g of bacon
1 liter vegetable stock

white onion salt and pepper to taste
extra virgin olive oil to taste

Preparation Heat a large saucepan, add the oil and when hot, the onion, cut into small cubes.
Let it turn golden, add the rice and toast it, and gradually add the stock needed to cook.
to taste with salt and pepper. Turn off the heat, stir in the pesto. Then, with gentle movements, the smoked cheese and diced bacon strips. Stir and serve immediately with another round of pepper.
Optionally add Parmesan cheese.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ward's Ap Biology Lab 4

Miniaturitalia 2011

Ladies and gentlemen ... are tornaaaataaaa! And do not say "Who gives a ..." I know you think about it, but do not tell! XD
That was nice to turn Miniaturitalia I already knew, I can now say that it is very nice also participate ... many exhibitors and many visitors from around the world (thank goodness that exists in English!) and above all lots of thumbnails to buy! Refrain from taking everything has been incredible ...
This is the feast of the Shop ... and the chick behind the banquet, guess who? The expression is not the best, but it goes well '-.-

moment of rest ... and confusion on the back!

Overview of one of three rooms, one where I was, too:

I have seen incredibly talented miniaturist, but also to meet Marianna and Moses de Magic Wand , Patrick of Ooak.it , Maria de The Magic Spoon ... and a lot of users Handcrafted : D
By which, among other things, we once again participated in the contest of Roombox ... we have not posted, but the satisfaction of seeing the magic shop has not over the price (for everything else it takes a well-stocked mastercard! * _ *)

The upper floor:

E that inferiore... io ho contribuito con la piccoletta sullo scivolo, topoli e pipistrelli:

Sempre a Miniaturitalia è arrivato anche questo:

Il librooooo! Abbiate pazienza, ma dovevo dirlo! Così colgo l'occasione di ringraziare pubblicamente La Bacchetta Magica per tutto quello che hanno fatto... Mariannaaaaaa! :*** Dentro ci sono sei tutorial (fatina, pittura, vestito, topino, chiocciola e baby sirena) e alcune delle mie stupidate (vecchie e nuove XD)... se volete vedere l'indice cliccate QUI .
Bene... ora vado a far qualcosa... ci rivediamo prestissimo, I have some 'of critters to show you ... : D

Friday, February 11, 2011

Ski Instructor In Killington

There is a lot of inspiration in my Anglo-Saxon recipes. My love for the UK maybe there is new. I love his music, his culture, the way we do, the endless green fields and the ability to modernize and will seem superficial, but I love the choice that is in their megastores:) There's really no
the taste of multi-ethnic and live together does not seem very difficult, as in many places d 'America. Many times I was tempted to board a plane to London to change my life or just for a vacation study. But I did not. I can travel, discover thousands of places, but not to leave my country. Although I have a project contract. Even if you already know him from top to bottom. Although the trains arrive late. Although there are no daughter. Although my neighbors are noisy. Even if I see waste in the street. Although our purchasing power is worth nothing. Even if our politics is embarrassing. Although megastore in hard to find the golden syrup :) Although ... I'm too sentimental and hence will not leave my country.

To all of you my recipe for a pie or meat pie (which the British call pie) truly unique and delicious with the sauce of onions Lazzaris you find here .
Now that's holding surprised me, in my house have never used the mustard and composed to create dishes and desserts, but since I came into contact with Lazzaris we can not live without . The dishes take on a different flavor and originality! I invite you to visit the site to find out more about this reality that our country was founded in the very beginning of 900.

Serves 4
800 g of beef stew
500 g of peeled tomatoes
70 g onion sauce Lazzaris
1 / 2 glass of red wine
1 / 2 white onion
extra virgin olive
salt and pepper to taste

for pasta
470 g flour 00
150 g of butter
30 g whole wheat flour
1 tsp English mustard
1 teaspoon of salt
cold water to taste
1 egg

NB For the recipe might not be enough of pasta, but one that advances surgelatela!

First, it will be well prepared pasta.
In a large bowl place the flours, salt and mustard. Add the cold butter and cut into small pieces. Begin to work with your fingers and add cold water enough to give shape to the compound. We must get a smooth and homogeneous (like a pastry or pasta brisa) to be given a ball and will have to stand for 20 minutes in the refrigerator. Of course you can do with the operation or planetary mixer.

Meanwhile, heat a large pan and add 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil. Cut the onion into small cubes and let it fry for few minutes until it becomes blonde. Add the stew, cut into small pieces e insaporirlo con la cipolla e un pizzico di pepe. Sfumare subito con mezzo bicchiere di vino rosso e lasciarlo evaporare. A questo punto unite i pelati e spezzettateli con un mestolo. Aggiungete sale quanto basta e lasciate in cottura  altri  10 minuti. La carne non deve cuocere molto perchè andrà in forno. A fuoco spento unito la salsa di cipolle agrodolci LAZZARIS e amalgamate il tutto.

Ora, si potrà scegliere di servire 4 cocotte come ho fatto io o un'unica pirofila se non volete monoporzioni. Ma vi assicuro che comunque le mie sono molto abbondanti.
Stendete la pasta riposata con un spessore about half a cm and cut circles with a knife larger than that of the cocotte. Place the stew in the sauce up to half a cm from the edge of the casserole and cover with circles of pasta previously made by cutting the excess. Brush with egg and bake in preheated oven at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Birthday Cakeskat Park

A Valentine Fairy

But not red as usual ... what can you do, do they shop in their heads at any occasion! But this is just a tiny fairy Valentine's Day and is ready to give her two lovers pendant, provided they are "right":)

This fairy is one of the new creatures that will follow me Friday ... where? A Milan Miniaturitalia : D This year I'm here too ... and, in fact, as you noted the last time I was little between this blog: (
Also in Miniature there will be another new ... if you want to know what click HERE . But do not take me too loud XD

Speaking of the little ... the fairy and the base is entirely in corn flour dough, while the twigs are true, as the pendant.
Dress is in paste "printed" with the PVA glue and lace, in the case of the bodice:

The photo with my finger to the size ...

... and riscappo ... I still finireeeeeee! But you can be constantly late for everything?
I do not think I can do other post this week, so on Monday! :)