Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ward's Ap Biology Lab 4

Miniaturitalia 2011

Ladies and gentlemen ... are tornaaaataaaa! And do not say "Who gives a ..." I know you think about it, but do not tell! XD
That was nice to turn Miniaturitalia I already knew, I can now say that it is very nice also participate ... many exhibitors and many visitors from around the world (thank goodness that exists in English!) and above all lots of thumbnails to buy! Refrain from taking everything has been incredible ...
This is the feast of the Shop ... and the chick behind the banquet, guess who? The expression is not the best, but it goes well '-.-

moment of rest ... and confusion on the back!

Overview of one of three rooms, one where I was, too:

I have seen incredibly talented miniaturist, but also to meet Marianna and Moses de Magic Wand , Patrick of , Maria de The Magic Spoon ... and a lot of users Handcrafted : D
By which, among other things, we once again participated in the contest of Roombox ... we have not posted, but the satisfaction of seeing the magic shop has not over the price (for everything else it takes a well-stocked mastercard! * _ *)

The upper floor:

E that inferiore... io ho contribuito con la piccoletta sullo scivolo, topoli e pipistrelli:

Sempre a Miniaturitalia è arrivato anche questo:

Il librooooo! Abbiate pazienza, ma dovevo dirlo! Così colgo l'occasione di ringraziare pubblicamente La Bacchetta Magica per tutto quello che hanno fatto... Mariannaaaaaa! :*** Dentro ci sono sei tutorial (fatina, pittura, vestito, topino, chiocciola e baby sirena) e alcune delle mie stupidate (vecchie e nuove XD)... se volete vedere l'indice cliccate QUI .
Bene... ora vado a far qualcosa... ci rivediamo prestissimo, I have some 'of critters to show you ... : D


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