Monday, February 7, 2011

Yardage Pro Riflescope Review

Pasta and beans with nduja

I was hoping to embrace the Kitchen Aid as soon as possible but it will not be ...
but there is never any limit for the worst and I'll explain.
last few months is a new family came to live in the apartment next to mine. You know, are modern buildings, the walls are thin and unfortunately I have my bedroom in their living room. But who designed these buildings? Beyond everything, I wonder how we can be and require so rude and peasants. 24 h on 24 noise, crying babies all the time, parents screaming and banging doors and chairs. It 's true, you can not be silent, but not even get to this level of incivilities. I knocked on the wall, I've talked nicely, but a part of the speech came in and came out the other. I even bought the plugs for the ears but do not work, I am desperate! I guess I'll have to soundproof the room, and who knows how much will it cost me!

Luckily I spent the week and weekend to console me with my brand new yogurt maker from New Zealand, "easiyo" I am very satisfied! The yogurt is delicious!
If then there is a spicy bean soup that warms us, time moves even better.
For this recipe I have made use of two major companies with which it deals: the MAGNATUM Club
and EVER TASTE OF CALABRIA . The first, a beautiful Umbrian company that made me try the beans Tylor that you can find here and the second, Calabrian company that we have already learned, the best marketing nduja the whole of Calabria.
What is this?
The nduja name derives from the French "andouille" which means "sausage". It is however not a sausage, as it may be similar. It 'made with pork, a little' of fat, and very hot pepper. It can be spread on bread, toast or added to many dishes in the kitchen to replace the classic chili:)

The combination of beans and sausage that will surprise you:)

Ingredienti per 4 persone
300 g di pasta mista
300 g di fagioli secchi borlotti tylor Magnatum club
30/50 g di nduja (dipende da quanto la volete piccante)
2,5 l d'acqua
1 spicchio d'aglio
3 cucchiai di olio extravergine d'oliva
sale qb

Tenere a bagno i fagioli in acqua tiepida almeno per 10 ore.
Scolarli e sciaquarli sotto acqua corrente.
Nel frattempo, in a large pot heat oil and garlic, add the beans and cover them with plenty of water specified in the ingredients.
Bring to a boil with high heat, then lower it and let the beans simmer for 30-40 minutes. When they are cooked, remove a small quantity to be set aside.
Bring to a boil in saucepan (if the water is lowered too aggiungetene a bit, but it's hot) and boil the pasta directly in the beans, this is called cooking risotto and gives much more flavor to any dish.
Mash the beans required by with a little water cooking. Add the puree until the dough is cooked and stir in flakes nduja that will melt with heat.

NOTE: If you do not find nduja add crushed red pepper


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