Friday, February 11, 2011

Ski Instructor In Killington

There is a lot of inspiration in my Anglo-Saxon recipes. My love for the UK maybe there is new. I love his music, his culture, the way we do, the endless green fields and the ability to modernize and will seem superficial, but I love the choice that is in their megastores:) There's really no
the taste of multi-ethnic and live together does not seem very difficult, as in many places d 'America. Many times I was tempted to board a plane to London to change my life or just for a vacation study. But I did not. I can travel, discover thousands of places, but not to leave my country. Although I have a project contract. Even if you already know him from top to bottom. Although the trains arrive late. Although there are no daughter. Although my neighbors are noisy. Even if I see waste in the street. Although our purchasing power is worth nothing. Even if our politics is embarrassing. Although megastore in hard to find the golden syrup :) Although ... I'm too sentimental and hence will not leave my country.

To all of you my recipe for a pie or meat pie (which the British call pie) truly unique and delicious with the sauce of onions Lazzaris you find here .
Now that's holding surprised me, in my house have never used the mustard and composed to create dishes and desserts, but since I came into contact with Lazzaris we can not live without . The dishes take on a different flavor and originality! I invite you to visit the site to find out more about this reality that our country was founded in the very beginning of 900.

Serves 4
800 g of beef stew
500 g of peeled tomatoes
70 g onion sauce Lazzaris
1 / 2 glass of red wine
1 / 2 white onion
extra virgin olive
salt and pepper to taste

for pasta
470 g flour 00
150 g of butter
30 g whole wheat flour
1 tsp English mustard
1 teaspoon of salt
cold water to taste
1 egg

NB For the recipe might not be enough of pasta, but one that advances surgelatela!

First, it will be well prepared pasta.
In a large bowl place the flours, salt and mustard. Add the cold butter and cut into small pieces. Begin to work with your fingers and add cold water enough to give shape to the compound. We must get a smooth and homogeneous (like a pastry or pasta brisa) to be given a ball and will have to stand for 20 minutes in the refrigerator. Of course you can do with the operation or planetary mixer.

Meanwhile, heat a large pan and add 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil. Cut the onion into small cubes and let it fry for few minutes until it becomes blonde. Add the stew, cut into small pieces e insaporirlo con la cipolla e un pizzico di pepe. Sfumare subito con mezzo bicchiere di vino rosso e lasciarlo evaporare. A questo punto unite i pelati e spezzettateli con un mestolo. Aggiungete sale quanto basta e lasciate in cottura  altri  10 minuti. La carne non deve cuocere molto perchè andrà in forno. A fuoco spento unito la salsa di cipolle agrodolci LAZZARIS e amalgamate il tutto.

Ora, si potrà scegliere di servire 4 cocotte come ho fatto io o un'unica pirofila se non volete monoporzioni. Ma vi assicuro che comunque le mie sono molto abbondanti.
Stendete la pasta riposata con un spessore about half a cm and cut circles with a knife larger than that of the cocotte. Place the stew in the sauce up to half a cm from the edge of the casserole and cover with circles of pasta previously made by cutting the excess. Brush with egg and bake in preheated oven at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.


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