Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Denise Milani Married

Pizza rustica chicken with broccoli and sausage

Let's say there are good reasons why it is worth not sleep at night. Work, family, bills, ok, but if I tell you because I have insomnia I do not reflect more the word.
say that day is somewhere in the night penobra stare at the ceiling of my bedroom with style panda eyes, thinking of the planet to buy (yes, I still tutto a mano).
Ero partita dal modello Kenwood chef major KM20, poi ho pensato che il KM40 aveva solo una piccolissima differenza di prezzo e quindi mi conveniva prenderlo perchè includeva il timer.
Dopo poco tempo mi sono resa conto che un modello così grande avrebbe fatto fatica a montare 1 solo albume e così ho ripiegato la scelta sul KM10, fino a quando sono stata fulminata sulla via del centro commerciale (e non di Damasco - ndr).
"Il Kitchen aid", "Il kitchen aid, come diavolo ho fatto a dimenticarlo!!??" Ma è tutta un'altra cosa! Colorato, un pò vintage come piace a me, perchè non ci ho messo subito gli occhi ?
(Certamente avrei guadagnato few hours of sleep). Ok

car choice, but in which shades? White as one of the classic red or Nigella?
I connect on sites ranging from the Alps to the Andes in search of compelling color and a decent price.
You know, in our country is dear, let it pass for a luxury item when in fact in America is a normal mixer that has almost every domestic goddess, but is hard to find someone who you send it in Italy, and I think it is not worth hanging himself with the transformer, adapters, plugs and voltages. Everything has its price. I was assigned directly to a dealer in Verona and I hope to complete the purchase tra qualche giorno. Il mio Kitchen sarà di un colore molto particolare...
...mi spiace ma lo scoprirete più avanti!! :)
Si, ci sono cose più importanti al mondo e il mio discorso potrà sembrare leggermente paranoico, ma credetemi, questo  è un elettrodomestico per tutta la vita (si spera) e quindi importante.

Con tutta la sincerità e la spudoratezza che ho, rivelo che la ricetta del giorno giaceva nel mio archivio da Capodanno, quindi se sullo sfondo riconoscete un'albero di Natale colorato non rivolgetevi al vostro oculista ma leggete il foglietto illustrativo :D.
La pubblico only now because it is a rustic pizza that my mother prepared especially for Carnival, but we decided to do it for a buffet this year. Me and her. It 's very rare to cook with, firstly, the distance that separates us and our different conceptions of the kitchen. You are more traditional, I avant-garde. We were fighting for Christmas dinner but luckily it always reaches an agreement and this pizza rustica is a witness.

you ask, why do you call it Pizza? Well, in most of the Neapolitan pies are called pizza. A classic example is represented by that famous of endives.

Pizza Rustica (the parents) and BROCCOLI SAUSAGE

Ingredients for 6 people
2 discs of 32 cm crust dough you can buy it here or read recipe
400 g of fresh pork sausage
300 g Fontina
1 egg yolk
1 kg broccoli
salt and pepper to taste
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive
fresh chilli optional

- a pan 28 cm

Rinse broccoli, hulled, obtaining only the most tender stems, leaves and tops the best (if you do not want to sweat buy them already cleaned and sorted to the super market) and drain thoroughly.
In a skillet, heat the olive oil and pepper, add the broccoli and brown them without cover (rule of the mother) because it would create a "hood" that boiled vegetables and this should not happen.
Cook the broccoli, turning them several times until the consistency is soft and not crushed, then set aside. Cut into strips
the fontina and the scouring raw sausage.
Line the bottom of the pan with a disk of dough, placing them well on the edges and leaving out the excess.
Fill in this order: half of the broccoli, sausage, cheese and the other part of the broccoli.
Close the pizza crust with the other disk, remove excess with a knife and pinch the edges to close.
Brush with egg yolk and bake at 170 degrees for 25 minutes or until golden brown.


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