Monday, March 7, 2011

Cultural Festival Themes

The guardian of the forest snails

I believe that now is quite clear how the snails are funny ... these animals are also very popular by the fairies of the workshop, so that there is a fairy in particular that protects them:) So look out to annoy the snails: is small, but I assure you that there is no need to make her angry! : D

back a little (very little) more serious ... The fairy is made entirely of corn paste, as well as the three snails (the shell, however, is true). The dress of the girl is pasta, but the underskirt, gloves and necklace are made with PVA glue. The bodice is made up of so many snails in corn paste and glue beads one by one ... help oO
The base is wood, finished with the dough to make it stand.

Actually this is a project "failed" because the little one had to be dressed in blue. Too bad he completely wrong model of the dress -.-
You can see that she just did not like the blue ...

The photo with my finger to the size ... the overall height is approximately 8 cm:

What do you say, can go as a guardian? Look who took his role very seriously ... here are nuts everywhere! : P


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