Friday, December 10, 2010

Blurry When Looking At Laptop

mice also feel air Christmas ... and adapt: \u200b\u200bD
For example there are those who give chocolates to finendoli well before Christmas chocolates
missing? I know nothing about me, no no ... "

The topology, as usual, is in pasta as a dish of corn and chocolates ... you believe that no one knows anything?: D

still a greedy mouse, busy with the Pandora
" So ... slice missing? Where to? "

Again, all except the two corn dough balls tree, two beads of the Candy Ila actually:)

Ancora dolci, biscotti stavolta:
"Guarda: possiamo fare un albero di Natale con i biscotti!"

E, per ultimo, un fiocchino di neve... sono topini fatati molto particolari, tutti bianchi... si vedono solo durante le nevicate. Si confondono con i veri fiocchi e si fanno vedere solo se trovano un umano simpatico :)
"Mi aiuti a finire il pupazzo di neve?"

Il pupazzo è in pasta di mais ricoperta di finta neve... è una polverina finissima, non so come si chiama, ma appena l'ho vista al negozio non ho potuto che prenderla al volo *_* Sul topino e sulle ali c'è del pigmento perlato ( Susanna è troppo bello! Thanks!)
A photo with some details:
And the one with the 1 euro coin:

And since Christmas is approaching, I leave you a present ... I did not I, but the administration group of Handcrafted with some users and bloggers "freelance". This is a free, downloadable magazine creative ... in interviews, tutorials, and recipes for Christmas and a special insert. To access the magazine, simply click on the image below ... I assure you that succulents are 134 pages * * _
This is the number 1 after the 0 in October that the preparation we did find a surprise, the next numbers come out once a month ... those wishing to contribute is welcome ... more!
I'm going to see if the creatures moustached I have left something ... I see it hard!


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