Sunday, November 28, 2010

Problem With Poptropica Game

Fairy and Mouse Oil

Today here the weather is really horrible: rain, cold and windy! And since there's no way to put your nose out there to introduce the latest additions to the shop, two seasonal arrivals since it is a fairy and a little mouse of olives and olive oil novo (without the u, the Tuscan D).
This is the fluttering creature ... between the branches of a large drop of oil that drips from his hand ... Oil is a very special about her:)

This little mouse and you will find some photos below are already packing his bags, leave early because it is a Committee Elisa [ Whimsically ] gave me an indication of the theme ... funny! The fairy
(and the topology) is entirely in corn dough, as well as leaves and olives. Those twigs you see check, however, are true.
The dress is made with the method of PVA glue with the addition of a sprinkling of glitter ... it was just the right color, the only problem is that, once finished, I had him too ...

To model the leaves I used a real olive, olives have been slightly polished. The drop of oil, however, is painted hot glue and polished:)

Le dimensioni:

E ora il topino, ovviamente in tema olio. Il golosone si mangia la bruschetta :D
"Con l'olio addosso sembro una bruschetta anch'io!"

Topino, piatto e cibarie sono in pasta di mais... l'olio, questa volta, รจ fatto con la resina :)
Bene... ora tutti e due a fare le valige che non sono ancora pronte!
A prestissimo!


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