Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Frustration French Card Game

Topi ... Library

Ho scoperto che fra i topini della Bottega ci sono degli aspiranti scrittori :D Alcuni avevano talmente voglia di leggere e scrivere che la entry must have spread because it's got a library just for them ... directly from Rome.

Topolo with pen, ink and notebook ... ready to write:
"Ok, everything is here ... even the pen bigger than me ... we start?"

The Mouse and the magnets are in corn paste as usual while tiny quadernino that is not my work, but Roberta known about Handcrafted :) This girl (who has a blog , mannagia damn: D) is the work of binding exceptional ... notebooks in human form (as THESE or THESE ), or rat-format ( HERE ). When he proposed to send me quadernini for Topoli ... I accepted the fly! * __ * That of the mouse measure 1.5 x 1.8 cm and is perfect despite dimendion microscopic, with marbled paper cover and the pages flipping * _ *

Two other mice, those with the ink-stained paws :
"Yes, there is some stain but the important thing is the message ..."

The mice are not glued to your file (sacrilegio! Yeah I had the courage to write!), which has the leather cover and the button to close it ... show!
A group photo in their personal library:

Have you seen how many he has sent me and it is beautiful? The white one has the binding and pages in Japanese Lokta paper, and the blue side has not only made the cover from her (he marbled!), But also contains a short story by Poe ... oO readable True that is extraordinary?
Before going to scold Topoli thronging to have a quadernino (fermi. .. do not argue, pests!) I leave you with other books, those of Maria [ The Magic Spoon ]. Mary is a skilled miniaturist who has launched a Give Away ... to win two mini books (with pages written!) and a bottle of perfume. To participate click HERE and follow the instructions ... there is time until December 16)

very latest little thing ... Do you remember my interpretation of Alice? They pubblicataaaaa! ^ __ ^ On Magic Wand , Miniature ... ok, self-congratulation over XD


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