Saturday, October 30, 2010

Glory Holes In Florida

The media circus relentlessly

Ruby two days sarah cannon fodder ...

I remember this business philosophy of life that exudes from the writings of the Marquis De Sade, vero socialista e "vero cristiano", ogni bestemmia è un inno ai Vangeli perché si scontra con l'ipocrisia della società, infatti gli unici che bestemmiano, nei suo romanzi sono i ricchi potenti.
Nelle disavventure di Justine, i potenti compiono impunemente le peggiori nefandezze ed i poveracci, morigerati e cristianamente umili, oltre ad essere le vittime sono anche biasimati per la loro condizione sociale, mentre quelli non solo la fanno sempre franca ma sono visti come gente di rispetto e di rettitudine morale. Per cui se una dama di corte arriva in gendarmeria, nella Parigi del XVIII secolo, su richiesta di un potentissimo consigliere reale, e richiede di prendere sotto la propria protezione una ragazzina sbandata minor, the police, given the social position of the lady and the authority of the powerful, without any other care, I'll rely.
The story of De Sade, the lady apparently so good, it's a huge slut who has no intention to shoulder the care of the unfortunate. And while it still gives thanks for the great goodness of heart, just inside the house he realizes that he has come back into the hands of his tormentor. But this is only the mind "perverted" the divine Marquis. In fact, at most, the girl can go "in custody" of a type not very advisable for this task, which in fact has a very different task to control and that he does not say anything inappropriate. A guy who already knows why he did it work in their local dance half naked on the track, minor, good co-expectations. And I imagine the party that make now that has come of age and no one can stop their greed for more "love" which, given the subject, no one Franciscan friar, already are plenty of first served. But someone has to answer before the law? For example, the lady of the court or this guy? In De Sade never pay them. While the poor Justine, he makes a bad end. Just as well that the reality is very different ... in France today.


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