Saturday, October 30, 2010

Glory Holes In Florida

The media circus relentlessly

Ruby two days sarah cannon fodder ...

I remember this business philosophy of life that exudes from the writings of the Marquis De Sade, vero socialista e "vero cristiano", ogni bestemmia è un inno ai Vangeli perché si scontra con l'ipocrisia della società, infatti gli unici che bestemmiano, nei suo romanzi sono i ricchi potenti.
Nelle disavventure di Justine, i potenti compiono impunemente le peggiori nefandezze ed i poveracci, morigerati e cristianamente umili, oltre ad essere le vittime sono anche biasimati per la loro condizione sociale, mentre quelli non solo la fanno sempre franca ma sono visti come gente di rispetto e di rettitudine morale. Per cui se una dama di corte arriva in gendarmeria, nella Parigi del XVIII secolo, su richiesta di un potentissimo consigliere reale, e richiede di prendere sotto la propria protezione una ragazzina sbandata minor, the police, given the social position of the lady and the authority of the powerful, without any other care, I'll rely.
The story of De Sade, the lady apparently so good, it's a huge slut who has no intention to shoulder the care of the unfortunate. And while it still gives thanks for the great goodness of heart, just inside the house he realizes that he has come back into the hands of his tormentor. But this is only the mind "perverted" the divine Marquis. In fact, at most, the girl can go "in custody" of a type not very advisable for this task, which in fact has a very different task to control and that he does not say anything inappropriate. A guy who already knows why he did it work in their local dance half naked on the track, minor, good co-expectations. And I imagine the party that make now that has come of age and no one can stop their greed for more "love" which, given the subject, no one Franciscan friar, already are plenty of first served. But someone has to answer before the law? For example, the lady of the court or this guy? In De Sade never pay them. While the poor Justine, he makes a bad end. Just as well that the reality is very different ... in France today.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Xerox Solid Ink Solid Ink For A Xerox Printer.?


This is an unfinished post, a world of shades of gray, with a few bright colors fluids on significant representations of our world view. A clear golden-winged visions of glittering, his lips livid with repressed passions, her face blue death of a serial murderess ... Walking through a sea of \u200b\u200bnothing, in a frenetic city of automatons, programmed to carry out their task with a specific deadline, I can not feel that far because my eyes see the gray that their eyes do not perceive, reassured by virtual colors illusions. A mixture of pastels without purity, where emergencies are invisible and simplicity are passed with indifference.
unaware of the precious drops of joy to live, but fortunately the tragic scene of impending death is not seen because it disguises the rough folds of everyday existence.
I'm sorry, are refractory to the rainbow embossed on the moist dust in the air, the penetrating rays of the sun, posters on the fumes of an outbreak in the woods, I looked first of eternal knowledge, the impossibility of taking the horizon and the starlight. What has the flavor of food he eats any man's life, I am unaware. I would have done without, I would have liked rooting the earth, and fill the instincts inside a beautiful colored sphere, beyond which no go. But no, it dissolved a long time and I can not look ahead, see, see the index and have no human words to describe it.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Weird Stomach Movements And Ovarian Cysts


Before the note of statements by the prime minister and the head of PC
"Having examined the situation in detail, we believe that in time of 10 days the situation will be brought to normal, so that without the landfill Terzigno may arise out of odors and stench that have rightly worried and concerned about the people. "
"the proceedings by order of urgency, by the prefect of Naples, who will raise the company that manages the landfill and will give professionals the management of Civil Protection, which had already run in the first phase, during which - Stressed the prime minister - had not created any problems. " "The government also ensures the availability of funds for clearing transactions for a total of 14 million euro, 28 billion lire, which concern Terzigno. The plan offsets for the municipalities that host plants for the disposal of waste is very precise and detailed descriptions on all municipalities, in particular - said the prime minister - for Terzigno, involves the construction of sewage treatment plants, provides sewerage with a series of reclamation as well as an intervention for urban regeneration. All already planned with absolute adherence to reality and with absolute precision. "
"... The system of waste disposal in Naples is not undermined by what is happening." ... The setting and the solution that we gave to the problem of waste in the Campania is a solution entirely valid and long lasting.
quarries, now the waste in the future "will be covered with earth and you can implant in the woods or parks. In this you can do something useful for the community, with waste disposal, and we will also clean up the environment where previously had been open wounds with the hollow. "

Bertolaso \u200b\u200b"open a discussion table with the population these days is protesting, per discutere tutti i problemi e per assicurare che non ci sono rischi per la salute … alla fine dell’anno scorso abbiamo detto che la gestione della fase emergenziale era stata superata. Ma nessuno aveva mai detto che era stato definitivamente risolto il problema “… .”Il termovalorizzatore di Acerra funziona e funzionerà sempre meglio. Ci sono 5 discariche che sono già aperte e che in questo momento sono ancora in grado di ricevere oltre un milione di tonnellate di rifiuti. Vi sono, previste dalla legge, altre 3 discariche in provincia di Napoli e in altre due province della Campania che devono ancora essere aperte e lo saranno in tempo utile prima che queste 5 in funzione si esauriranno. Nel frattempo, devono essere incinerators constructed of Salerno and Naples: at that point there will be problems. "

spokesman Janez Potocnik European Commissioner for Environment: "It 's a serious situation which requires compliance with EU rules on the environment ... For the moment the infringement proceedings continue, it is therefore necessary that the Italian authorities have a plan to manage the waste that is satisfactory to the Commission otherwise we will be obliged to proceed to the next stage of the infringement procedure provided for in the course. "
L 'Dutch Socialist MEP Merkies Judith, who led the mission to Strasbourg in April to study the situation on the ground: the Italian government non mantiene le promesse fatte all’Ue per la soluzione dell’emergenza rifiuti in Campania.

Non mi aspetto che il capo del consiglio nella figura di Ghepensimì, debba risolvere il problema rifiuti i Campania. Non è un suo compito, potrebbe essere un dovere ma non appartiene alle sue capacità mentali. Nelle sue enunciazioni attuali non c’è nulla di nuovo, nulla che sia la soluzione definitiva, far di nuovo intervenire la Pr. Civile con l’esercito per forzare l’utilizzo delle discariche in deroga, non volute più dalla popolazione esasperata da decenni di mala-gestione. Perché è mala gestione, dovuta un po’ a tutto, e la soluzione di Berlusconi è la continuità della mala management. Not about MONEY, not about punitive sanctions that the government will not invoking, does not speak the subsidies to be used for this model of environmental management, which alone could ensure a clean future of a growing population and a territory more restricted. He is old, not age, but of mentality, you decrepit old man, knows nothing of Europe, of new techniques for waste management. Continue on the obsolete practice of dumping sites, fake security, the incinerators, because Acerra is a slaughterhouse, a shabby industrial archeology and reduced mode, bales on bales ... Nothing definitive solution as it did then, not enough to bury the trash with the strength and say, "voila, I am a great statesman." That, the junk, then returned. Idyllic visions with the grove to be planted over the landfill, this according to him is the environment?! And the leachate? And the pollution of the water? And the proximity of residential areas? And the high percentage of tumors, established by the health statistics in the area? All safe! what you do not see it does not hurt. Then, the people are not stupid, when you hit the quick, is angry. It may also accept the emergency if you promise to convert the plant, the purification of future landfill on implementation plans for recycling and including incinerators, the least we should incinerate, after differentiation. Instead, nothing, nothing nothing nothing nothing.
words Bertolaso \u200b\u200bthen, are equal to those of his master's ridiculous, "The Acerra incinerator works" "no one had ever said he had been finally solved the problem" and promises to open another landfill, other septic as if it was good news and not a new threat. The beads are from an idiot (always to the center of massaggino-being) that will certainly warm the hearts even more victims of this mismanagement of the waste, the inhabitants living in the abysses face of shame. And Europe there is concerned about ... the words of our Prime Minister is not at all convinced the European Council.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Television Schedule Vietnam

Lodo Alfano denies the rights of the premier

The current chairman of the board through its attorneys, has sued the Air Report and Gabanelli. It is a pity that the prime minister can not carry out a trial in which the injured party, as the Alfano Bill provides that all processes backdated, current and future prime minister should be frozen, because he has no time as it must govern for The welfare of the country. This means that anyone can commit against lawlessness and stay calm throughout the term of office of prime minister, because the processes that concern him are suspended. Rightly, the weather perderebbe sia per difendersi che per accusare. Povero presidente, la legge è uguale per tutti, ma non per lui,il Lodo Alfano lo rende il più vulnerabile degli Italiani. Se la gente lo capirà, lo incomincerà a maltrattare illegalmente e lui non potrà fare niente, solo sperare nella fine del mandato elettorale, e riuscire finalmente ad aprire processi che lo riguardano anche come parte lesa.
Così se a qualcuno viene il ghiribizzo di sfilargli un calcio nel deretano, senza telecamere, il premier non si presenterà in un'aula giudiziaria a testimoniare dell'avvenuta offesa al regal posteriore. Per colpa della ragion di Stato, Lodo Alfano, si antepone il bene del paese a quello delle necessità contingenti del premier; Silvio does not have time to defend themselves, to use valuable time for the good of the Italians (and so therapeutic for some slut).

Monday, October 11, 2010

What House Hold Things I Can Masterbate With


Friday, October 8, 2010

How Much Does It Cost To Remove A Brain Tumor

Whip tricolor

Hi friends! I have not forgotten you ... is that this new season opened with lots of surprises and things to attend to ... but do not worry, I'm always in the forefront to follow your blog!
Today I want to wish you a good weekend with these whips Kamut wheat pizza dough made with the new preparation Molino Rossetto .
For me there is no Saturday or Sunday night ... so no pizza for you?
So try them now! Greetings to all! ---

300 g of warm water
1 tablespoon oil 1 teaspoon salt

500 g of Kamut flour pizza Molino Rossetto
10 g of fresh yeast or 12 g of active dry (already included in the package Molino Rossetto)

For the garnish:
200 g tomatoes datterini
150 buffalo ricotta
oregano fresh basil

salt and extra virgin olive oil

Enter ingredients in the bread machine as well as from the list.
Choose the program and yeast mixture (1 hour and a half).
At the end of the procedure, work the dough with your hands for a few minutes and dissect it into different parts which give shape to whip.
Bake at 220 ° C for 10 to 13 minutes. Once ready
farcitele according to your taste. I really like the
simple combination of ingredients "tricolor". This time I used an excellent buffalo ricotta, datterini tomatoes, basil and oregano.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Card Game - Frustration

who finds a friend finds

Putin to have a friend ...
The mysteries of our Prime Minister went to Russia, now bearing fruit.
He always works for the "good '" "Italy ...
tomorrow and fly to St. Petersburg for putin, all expenses paid Italy, to celebrate the birthday of his brother.
Today interview with another " his equal," Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, with whom he will certainly taken economic agreements, also for the sake of "Italian", ie those working for Mediaset and Fininvest ball, but that's just un'illazione.

Tiziano Ferro: "I'm gay" ...
Who cares!?!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Metronidazole Help Get Pregnant

vs Silvio Garko, the most in context of Italy

Noting that blasphemy of the Roman Catholic Prime Minister is not serious as that of an ordinary Catholic, that he has the word 'blasphemy immunity, and Monsignor Fisichella him clearly said, "we must contextualize things " or contextualize this government in the economic dimension to the Vatican, donations financial, facilities and structures prebends Catholics throughout the Italian territory, in conclusion, Silvio, by virtue of this contextualization, CAN 'curse. Lord of excellent reasons, but kids will contextualize? Took note of what the question is who can overcome the invincible premier in the polls for a possible election. Cosider that even a spokesman of the Almighty feels right to accuse it of blasphemy, we must realize that the quarrel should be with someone to compete with its own weapons of fascination, not a politician like a normal Bersani, or even of a Vendola Peter, but one that is "contextualized" as Silvio. Someone who has hailed agreement between the televotanti, such as a Gabriel Garko that does not listen because they know how to play but because the context is nice. The premier would be terrified of a possible clash with this stereotype of the perfect politician, according to the vision Berlusconi reversed. Garko is that men should be the MP for Silvio ideal, young pussy. Silvio is fascinating, despite being a man of 75 years, the fans know this in the context of the PDL, and all are in love with him, whatever he does or says, they always justify it. A phenomenon. Garko also has a charm almost as much as premier. Garko also, do any fiction, even recite from amateur oratory, he always listened to the boom, a phenomenon. Silvio Garko and-take are the phones and mobiles. Today just can not beat Silvio Gabriel Garko in the elections. Too bad that is so determined to believe that an actor, as Silvio persists in believing that a politician. And if they were to return? Silvio MOOLTO can act better than Garko, so identifies herself in the part that believes in himself, Stanislavski method, even if the party is running now, the great statesman, veramnete is painful, on the same level recitative of "sin and shame "but because he brought more to the comic roles, but Garko make in politics would know better than Silvio MOOLTO photogenic. Women would vote regardless of the hormone, it is a 'good election subsided. If any Garko has seen in the new Mastroianni ... with the same conviction may believe a great statesman. If anyone has compared to Silvio De Gasperi, will see him as the Italian version of Danny De Vito, would no longer need to pretend and hide the trick ... in theater grease paint is the practice.

Note the skill of acting for Troisi.
"not take the name of God in vain"
vain ... Perhaps Monsignor Fisichella for the second is met because comandamneto Silvio B. he would name the name of D. not in vain.