Saturday, November 1, 2008

University Of Phoenix Online

From Corniglia to Vernazza with the school at Monterotondo

When I created this blog my intention was to focus my attention on lesser-known tracks from my territory, avoiding comment on the most famous ones such as. the sent. Blue National Park of Cinque Terre, ol ' Ligurian Alta Via dei Monti, which can be found in the literature and a lot of material on the net.
But here I am contradicting myself to describe a stretch of the Blue Trail (No. 2 numbering CAI), namely that between Corniglia and Vernazza, route today (October 30, 2008) to accompany Working class boys 3rd of SM Monterotondo tour operator customers of mine of La Grande Travel . With
me another colleague, Marco with whom we shared the path dividing the classes.

Description of the route
It starts from the railway station of Corniglia (info PN5T point) to reach the village of Corniglia , located about 90 m above sea level by a road that runs along the rail and a series of ramps to steps (via Lardarina, about 360 steps). The path continues alongside the parish church of San Pietro and crossing a little further on the road near the park where the staff casottino controls Card 5T (now closed). From here, after crossing the Rio with the rump of the Canal Bridge, begins a road paved in stone through olive groves, climbing up to a point marked by the emergence of column No. 10 from which there is a magnificent view over the village of Corniglia and on the beach below Guvano. Above you can see a group of houses in San Bernardino below which begins the detachment of the great landslides of Guvano . We went almost flat while the paved road becomes more narrow, up to a clearing with some bench situated about where the path intercepts the landslide. Climb some more 'to the houses of Prevo (208 m) the highest proportion is found along this stretch. Prevo is appreciated by the valley of Guvano and the particular morphology of this stretch of coast characterized by steep slopes interspersed with "marine terraces. Continue to Vernazza alternating stretches of stairs down to whether more or less flat but always through olive groves wasteland invaded by a rich Mediterranean and a number of more barren rock with rocks. Now the scene has arrived in Vernazza s really impressive ui roofs of the village and the ancient defensive structures.

Time: about 2 hours (1 h 30 'from the country)
Length: 4 km
Key Quote:
  1. railway station 10 m above sea level

  2. Corniglia S. Pietro 95 m s.l.m.
  3. Punto panoramico 160 m slm-Punto sosta c/o frana di Guvano 155 m slm.
  4. Prevo 208 m slm-Vernazza 4 m slm

Fruibilità: questo tratto di sentiero, come tutto il sentiero litoraneo n° 2 che collega tutti e cinque i borghi, è percorribile previo pagamento di un biglietto di acceso (vedi le diverse tipologie di CARD 5T ); i ricavati sono utilizzati tra l’altro per la manutenzione dei percorsi e il ripristino dei muretti a secco. Il lieve dislivello e le condizioni del fondo lo rendono adatto quasi a tutti; qualche problema potrebbe averlo chi soffre di vertigini per alcuni tratti esposti ma comunque protetti parapet.

Fund features: location almost completely paved with stone, with traits at the landslides of Guvano of dirt road, wooden steps just before the landslides of overcoming a difficult (note the steps slippery in the rain!). Due to the large turnout of walkers, over time it was noticed some erosion of certain sections.

signs and emergency services : once the route was marked by a trail white / blue; today that these signs are a few tracks, replaced by more appropriate signage CAI. A new feature consists of several tables placed along the path traveled with emergency numbers and useful information for locating the point in an emergency . The posts emergency solar-power related to operating 118-115-1515 are present and active for some years.

Criticality and jarring notes: considering the great turnout on the trails during the warmer months and especially during the holidays, attention should be given to persons making

in the opposite direction, taking all measures to facilitate transit ensuring their and others' safety. In the rest of the landslide Guvano has been present for many years a "cat lady" with a dozen stray cats, whereas the hygienic conditions of the poor cat waste scattered around, set up plastic sheets as shelter, food cans scattered, not is really a pretty sight ...
The presence of a waste container placed along the trail between Vernazza and Prevo might be a good idea but unfortunately, as I remember in the spring with the large influx of "tourists" the same is presented while the overflowing collection service very occasionally. And if you dust off the old habit of leaving litter all the way home as you know who habitually frequents the mountain?
The collapse of dry stone walls, the distinguishing feature of the landscape, is one of the priority issues that the National Park has been placed, the payment of a ticket to enter the path aims at achieving this goal. The picture shows a section of wall collapsed between Prevo and Vernazza.
Positive notes: I particularly like the sign that warns against use of plastic bags, too bad it has only seen in Vernazza, and I hope that soon we strive for their removal, as required by European standards . Finally, the new containers for recycling !

presence of drinking water: Corniglia to find several public fountains, three near the church, all with excellent water. At the landslides of Guvano do not count on small spring almost always dry. A Prevo there is a bar open seasonally (summer and holidays, not all). Vernazza also found a couple of public fountains.

Prevo : small group of houses along the hillside (208 m) which meets about half way along the path . Some local historians have speculated for Prevo very ancient, if, even in etymological basis, even Roman origins. According to these scholars Prevo would rise as the old station to stop and change horses in the service of the ancient Via Littoranea. Unfortunately, only a hypothesis, although attractive, are not substantiated by historical documents.

Historical Notes on the geology and landslides of Guvano
The competition generated by landslides is of particular geological conditions: the contact between two different geological units (units and Tuscan Units Canetolo) tectonized strongly, the presence of a aquifer, the particular composition of the unit and LOCATION Canetolo. Both are composed of sedimentary rocks, but as the units are Toscane rappresentate in questo trato di costa da solide torbiditi arenacee, l’Unità di Canetolo è costituita da argilliti, brecce calcaree, calcareniti, calcisiltiti, che oltre ad essere fortemente alterate tai movimenti tettonici, sono per loro natura soggette ad assorbire l’acqua, aumentando di volume e assumendo una consistenza plastica, tutti fattori che contribuiscono a innescare fenomeni franosi.
Le cronache raccontano come la notte fra il 26 e il 27 dicembre 1853 un’enorme massa di rocce e terra si mise in movimento appena sotto il borgo di San Bernardino colassando in mare dove ancora oggi è possibile osservare il caratteristico fronte di frana aperto a ventaglio sulla costa. Cesare Zolfanelli e Vincenzo Santini descrissero la Help each other in the Alps in 1874: " pressure piled at the foot of the cliff materials confusedly, that was obviously some rough boulders, underwater rocks, which formed in front of the small breast Guvan, were driven from the bottom up and emerged covered with corals and coral that for a trato found themselves in a deadly element to them "
The landslide has never stopped completely so that the first track to single track railway line had to be periodically realigned due to the slow movement of soil that tends to drag towards the sea. Around 1960, when the doubling of the line, it was decided to pass the path ni gallery, finally leaving the path open. Today, facing the path, you can see the bottom of the valley Guvano the beginning of the two abandoned tunnels and a glimpse of the old layout
( Bibliography: A. Casavecchia, E. Salvatori "The park man, vol 2 - The history and the stone "Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre, 2003)

Flora and vegetation the path is characterized by olive trees, sometimes in a state of neglect. They are kept turfed and bloom from spring are characterized by 'yellow wood sorrel (Oxalis pes-caprae) una pianta alloctona ormai naturalizzata, con un temperamento decisamente infestante.
Degna di nota la presenza nei pressi della paleofrana di un endemismo, l’euforbia spinosa ligure (Euphorbia spinosa subsp. ligustica) che normalmente vive sui substrati ofiolitici. Da Prevo a Vernazza ancora uliveti ma anche macchia mediterranea e tratti a vegetazione rupestre. Spiccano in questi ambienti le grandi infiorescenze delle agavi.

Segnalazione faunistiche: in questo tratto si osserva spesso il più grande passeraceo europeo: il corvo imperiale (Corvus corax) it has a wingspan that can reach 1.3 m. In Italy it is present with populations rather than localized, and is not often meet.

actors and performers: the guys here MS Monterotondo, his face covered for privacy reasons (!?)... hello guys, you were nice! Greetings also to the teachers and the carer Michele DIMAV Italy, having a nice enthusiastic love with a beautiful slate could not do so entirely at less than " camallarsela " all the way! Ebbravo, greetings to you too! And finally, Mark, my colleague Guide, represented here as it emerges as a shoot of asparagus by vegetation, greetings to you too!


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