Friday, November 28, 2008

Aspartame Containing Products

The landslide along the path . 4 in the Regional Park of Monte Marcello Magra-

Saturday, November 15 now mid-afternoon I decided to return with Stephen, after a few years now, to check the condition of one of the most beautiful trails and wild promontory of Caprione in the Regional Natural Park Montemarcello The lean-sent . No. 4, who was born in Tellaro to "die" at Punta Bianca along the hillside on the south-western of the promontory, is officially closed for several years due to a major landslide occurred downstream Zanego Loc. The break is clearly marked by appropriate signs in both directions so people will continue do so at your own risk!

The hike in short quick round trip to / from r Loc.Gruzza (275 m). From here you hundred yards along a dirt road slightly downhill on the feeling. No. 3 in the direction Zanego then turn left onto the path of connection that goes down and soon intersects sent. 4. Continue initially almost flat around the following edge of the cliff (the thick vegetation reduces the sense of sheer). Further along the trail intersects on the left of the path that descends to the small beach Marossi , trace not shown on all cards. At some point you arrive in the area of \u200b\u200bthe landslide (200 m) partially reclaimed by vegetation. From this point on the practicability of the path becomes critical but not impossible. The trail continues downhill with hairpin bends and that lap times through the area of \u200b\u200bgrain forced to overcome obstacles such as boulders and logs felled by the landslide itself. The steeper and slippery are equipped with rope or strips of luck that someone has apparently settled after the landslide. We thus lose about 110 m above sea level. Then the trail continues without major differences in height but with a bit of up and down to above the cliffs of plastron. You exit the forest and scrub to cross some olive groves in the recovery phase while the path is now a kind of trench bounded by stone walls. Continue until it intersects the third that sent Zanego salt (100 m approx.) Now it's dark but at this point follow easily on the trail that climbs to the scattered houses of Zanego (250 m), cross it and soon returns to the starting point (Loc. La Gruzza)
Total difference in height : 195 m
Net time of travel: 2h 30 '
full tour with several stops: started at 15.50, returning 18.30, 2h 40'

signposts: Caprione the whole promontory was well-marked recently by volunteers from the section of CAI Sarzana, through an agreement with the Park Authority, Dedicated segaletica warns that sent the No. 4 is accessible only by EE ( And choose to walk unaccompanied Sperti E) senaletica while further warns that the trail is prohibited by landslide!

Caratteristiche del fondo: sent 4 è un sentiero, sent 3 nel trato percorso è una antica stradina/mulattiera selciata in pietra con brevi tratti allargati e sterrati per consentire il transito alle auto private per i residenti tra Zanego e La Gruzza.

Punti di appoggio e ristoro lungo il tragitto: A short detour allows you to get off at Tellaro where you can find excellent restaurants and bars for rifocillasi.

environments: you go through a rich and intricate maquis with holm oak, arbutus, mastic, alternately, phillyrea, stracciabraghe, viburnum, juniper, etc.. to dominate the beautiful pine forests are in Aleppo pine, the real note value and interest in nature and landscape of this part of costa.Un interesting publication in this regard is the Thesis of Maximilian Cardelli (see References)

Presenza di acqua potabile: solo deviando a Tellaro, fontana pubblica
Collegamenti e mezzi di trasporto: Loc Gruzza è servita dalla SP 25 Lerici-Montemarcello-Ameglia. Fermate ATC sia a Zanego che in Loc. Gruzza oltre che naturalmente nei paesi vicini (Montemarcello, Tellaro, Lerici, Ameglia)

Note stonate e degrado: prescindendo dal fenomeno franoso, che ha cause naturali, si segnalano alcuni abusi edilizi ad opera dei soliti “furbi” prontamente intercettati by the authorities, reported and impounded. In one case it is a small stone building in place loc. The Gruzza intersection between the 3 and sent the fitting of hearing 4. I photographed just kidnapped months ago. The owner or his representative, thought it well to expand by adding a faux rustic room, with fake even more fake walls and roof. Now the building is still there and the tapes are gone, hopefully good ... The other building is seized along the downstream of 4 sen Figarolo Loc. Here you notice a couple of stone buildings seized by the Municipal Police of Lerici in a wooded area enclosed by hundreds of meters of the network.
- A small but disturbing note of degradation is represented by concrete slides, which allow the transit of motocariole for the restructuring of some rustic cottages along the path 3 in the stretch-Zanego plastron. Unfortunately a lot of mule in our province are gone just like that, one after another shovel of cement.
-Some dry-stone wall (privately owned) has fallen by narrowing the carriageway of the path n ° 4
La-Da Loc Gruzza Zanego to hear 3 of the trail has been expanded (perhaps already before the establishment of the Park) to allow transit cars from the owners of the first houses Zanego. The pavement Stone is no longer legible, the fund was covered with gravel. The stretch affected is around 300 m.

The landslide: the detachment is located at an altitude of 200 m above sea level about a little further downstream Zanego. Bringing the look upwards in relation to the path that runs through it, lies a crumbling rocky ridge on which stands in a precarious balance great Aleppo pine above the detachment crossed the path of the landslide. Here and there are chaotic mass of rocks and trees uprooted, but the transition is still not easy. One side of the detachment has a small population of common reed (Arundo donax ) reveals that, along with a clay and muddy bottom, the presence of a water surface, responsible for the landslide. The landslide is still active and it is clear that considering his nature, extent and its location would be unthinkable if it is put out quickly and safely without a large amount of capital. It will be the kind to stop when it wants.

-map of the trails on-Line
- paper trail Monte Caprione Val di Magra 1:10.000 by the ' Park Board Montemarcello
Slim - Lerici and its -hiking map 1:17.000 (!?) by the Municipality and the Environmental League of Lerici Lerici-Ed. Italian Cartographic Studio (GE) (contains info. The historical nature in the area)
- east of La Spezia-Sarzana- 1:25,000 hiking map by the CAI La Spezia, La Spezia Panathlon, Carisp-Ed. Italian Cartographic Studio (GE) (The map shows the routes described in some works published by Studio G. Barbed Cartographic Italian)
- route Bassa Val di Magra -card and travel paths 1:25.000 by the CAI Sez Sarzana-Ed Multigraphic -Florence (in this paper there are several mistakes, the numbering does not coincide with the official and sent 4 is shown as sent. 3!)
- Cultural Park Magra and earth Luni, paper-guide, and Parks cultural dela Regione Liguria

· S. Maccioni, Guide to the Park of Monte Marcello, educational nature trails -Ed. Sagep, 1991
· AA.VV., Il parco naturale regionale di Montemarcello Magra, guida rapida -Ed.Sagep 2000
· E. Puntelli, Guida alla flora ed ala fauna del Carpione , Associazione di pubblica assistenza croce rosso bianca Lerici 1986
· G. Cabano, I cavanei del Monte Caprione , Lerici 1985
· E. Calzolari, Raccolta di toponimi del territorio d Lerici , Lerici 1987
· M. Cardelli Di Tommaso P.L., Le pinete del promontorio del Caprione (La Spezia). Tesi di laurea (1994-95)
Sceneggiatura, personaggi, interpreti ed antefatti…
Siamo partiti un po' tardi questo pomeriggio, sottovalutando il fatto che ormai le days are very short. Here then, after a beautiful sunset while we were half way up I felt full 4 in high bush, darkness fell quickly is a bit 'anxiety took us ... boars are hardly a threat unless they are injured, have little to defend or, as in this case, you may find them in front of their path, and perhaps because of the high stone walls do not have many chances to avoid them! Knows' s friend Stefano di Tramonti, who last year at a time like it was "jumped" by two young boars bringing some bruising and so much fear.


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