Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Do Siamese Twins Mastubate

At the start the wind turbines on the High Street

Via libera all'impianto eolico previsto nel territorio di Zignago sul crinale between Val di Vara and Val di Magra (Lunigiana). This is one of three wind farms in the Province of La Spezia magazine and believe that there is a few years who will travel to the mythical "Via Regia", now affected by the walking path of ' Ligurian Alta Via dei Monti , can enjoy a conspicuous trail consists of a long line of pylons bearing fan. I state it is in favor (God forbid!) Alternative energy and therefore also of wind farms, provided they are placed in a way and in places not to damage the landscape and wildlife migration. Remember that the territory is placed an SIC (Site of Community Interest) that extends into the neighboring village Goblet of Cornoviglio , this next one to accommodate a wind farm. The Province of La Spezia has appointed Dr. Stephen Macchio to examine the possible negative impact on avifauna of these wind turbines in this part since it is reassures me a serious scholar and expert. However, what puzzles me is the impact on the landscape, geological and soil of the facilities provided. It will not be because of small systems such as the Pass of the chapel (Varese Ligure), which after all are part of the landscape in a discreet and some also nice, but real "wind farms" with dozens of blades. It will be necessary, for example, open new roads, harmful to environment so delicate as the soils of mountain pastures. In short, the risk is that to get a little 'clean energy "is always compromise for a unique and unrepeatable. It 'just that we speak, all to be involved in choices and decisions. E 'duty of governments and institutions to analyze all the pros and cons of listening to all voices and choices arguing with authority aside for once simplistic and demagogic reassurance. Personally I would suggest as an alternative to a fine off-shore wind farm such as that proposed by Enel in Gela maybe on our "beautiful" breakwater in the Gulf, what do you think? PS for the record, the mayor of Gela did fire and flames to oppose the project!


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