Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Milk And Honey For Insomnia?

Almond Shortbread

Auguroni a tutte le donne che leggono questo blog!
Diciamo che non amo le feste commerciali, ma questo è un giorno speciale, grazie al quale almeno una volta all'anno ricordo la mia fortuna di essere donna.

Vi omaggio con questa torta che è sicuramente un classico della pasticceria, soprattutto casalinga. E’ la semplice e buona torta mimosa.
Ho apportato delle piccole modifiche alla ricetta orginale, ma non è niente di chissà quanto innovativo. La trovo semplicemente una variante golosa. L’ho fatta per il mio compleanno e gli amici sono rimasti entusiasti. Così come spero, lo saranno i vostri.
C’è un piccolo trucco: the sponge of my mother. You will be surprised, she does it with baking powder for cakes, unusual ingredient for this basis that does not need to "inflate". Still, it's better than mine.

Ingredients 250 g sugar 230 g

8 eggs 1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 500 g
250 g of fresh cream
200 g of white chocolate flakes
250 ml of lemon
250 ml of water
3 tablespoons granulated sugar


In two separate bowls yolks from the whites. Mount the first whites with a dash of lemon and the second with the sugar until frothy. Add to this mix the flour and baking powder sifted from the bottom up. Combine the egg whites also always with gentle movements and vanilla. Divide the mixture on two baking sheets with butter and flour, a larger base of 24-26 cm, which will give the cake and the other smaller than 20-22 cm where the sponge is cooked, which is used for decoration.

Bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes and 20 largest minutes, the small, static oven.

Prepare custard according this recipe and very cold whipping cream.
Add the cream to the cream (cooled) with movements from the bottom up to get an Italian custard.

Heat the water on the fire and the 3 tablespoons of sugar until you obtain a homogeneous syrup. Turn off the heat and add the lemon.

Once the cooled sponge cake cut into 3 parts and larger wet first base evenly with the syrup, with the help of a pastry brush, then add the first layer of crema e metà del cioccolato bianco. Coprire con il disco centrale, bagnarlo e ripetere l'operazione della crema e del cioccolato. Comprire con l'ultimo strato di pan di spagna, e bagnare anch'esso. Con una spatola stendere un un pò di crema pasticcera o panna per creare una "colla" per il passaggio successivo:
togliere la crosta al pan di spagna piccolo e tagliarlo a fettine da ridurre a cubetti. Con questi, ricoprire la torta per dare l'effetto mimosa.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Cultural Festival Themes

The guardian of the forest snails

I believe that now is quite clear how the snails are funny ... these animals are also very popular by the fairies of the workshop, so that there is a fairy in particular that protects them:) So look out to annoy the snails: is small, but I assure you that there is no need to make her angry! : D

back a little (very little) more serious ... The fairy is made entirely of corn paste, as well as the three snails (the shell, however, is true). The dress of the girl is pasta, but the underskirt, gloves and necklace are made with PVA glue. The bodice is made up of so many snails in corn paste and glue beads one by one ... help oO
The base is wood, finished with the dough to make it stand.

Actually this is a project "failed" because the little one had to be dressed in blue. Too bad he completely wrong model of the dress -.-
You can see that she just did not like the blue ...

The photo with my finger to the size ... the overall height is approximately 8 cm:

What do you say, can go as a guardian? Look who took his role very seriously ... here are nuts everywhere! : P