Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bed Skirts For Sleigh Beds

continues our raids to discover dell'entrorerra of Eastern Liguria, places in many ways still unknown and fascinating even for us who we reside. I suggest to friends of the Society of the Absurd a route taken by the guide "Walking in Liguria " Vol.1 (see bibliography). The proposed tour (Itin. 505) is quite long and we decided, considering the short days and my physical condition after flu still not quite perfect, that is more appropriate to shorten it.

The hike in short arrive by car Chignero (381 m), a small group of houses scattered on the slopes of Mount Handle del Lume. From the village, near the chapel dedicated to San Rocco, we take the mule track that goes in lock step. Going to quit the forest, the landscape is barren and vegetation is sparse and low. The grazing of the past and the fires have profoundly affected the vegetation cover. The climb is easy, thanks to a nice trail well-designed and built. It probably allowed to flocks and shepherds from reaching the ridge at a steady rate, continuously and without tears.
On the ridge the view is large and overlooks the valley Fontanabuona, the Apennines and the Ligurian Riviera . We continue on path that runs along the south side of Monte Bello virtually flat. Beyond a source located along the route, we stop to eat on the Serra da Costa where you can enjoy a beautiful view on Mount Handle del Lume and amphitheater rock protects the village from the north winds Chignero. Our excursion for today, stop here and decide to return along the same path in reverse. We will return to complete the loop we had initially suggested to do, then over a saddle at elevation 530 and then returned to the pitch following the rocky ridge of the Serra M. Bello (the card marked with the dots and then stretch a little difficult).
Cycling: path on the trail and trail without difficulty
signposts: FIE with the exception of the section of ridge between M. Bello-P.so of Serra, who has no signs

Total difference in height: 482 m (533 m even if you go on Handlebar M. Lume)
Length: 6.5 km considering the round trip and got on M. Bello.
Total time:
Chignero-Pass-Serra: 1h
Serra-Sella-Pass south (crossing the ridge sent to M. Bello (530 m)): 1h
Sella-south (crossing the ridge sent to M. Bello (530 m))-P. sso Serra: 1hr 30 '
P.sso-Serra-Chignero: 40'

presence of drinking water: source along the path along the hillside on the southern slope of Mount Bello at an altitude of approximately 600 m)
supporting points and refreshments along the way: nobody except for a box with a roof and weeping no door, situated on the northern slopes of Monte Bello, handy just in case it was a sudden downpour caught ta and nothing more

and transport links: Chignero can be reached by bus lines 85 and 86 from Rapallo FS ( Tigulliotrasporti )

Fund features: short sections paved, path. In good condition; pay attention to the limestone that can be slippery in rainy and humid weather.

areas and nature notes of interest: as already mentioned, the vegetation of these mountains has been strongly influenced by grazing and the practice of controlled fire. While at lower altitudes are mixed forests of chestnut and oak with some pine, prevails at higher altitudes the vegetation and shrubs with broom, common broom, gorse, heather, wild asparagus, common thyme, holm oak and some pine. Observed many rosettes of leaves orchidaceae.

Geological Notes: the sparse vegetation makes it possible to appreciate the geological shapes, folds and layers of limestone Monte Antola that characterize these mountains. The limestones of Monte Antola (Paleocene - Turonian) belong to the unit Liguride deposited on an ancient seabed, now deceased, who was roughly what is now the island of Corsica. The tectonic movements that gave rise to these deposits Apennines passing it over the Tuscan Unit finally determining the emergence of the layers. It is therefore of marine deposits of marly limestone, marl limestone and marl clay, in layered sequence.

Why do we recommend: per la sua panoramicità, perchè in primavera offre notevoli soddisfazioni agli amanti della flora e delle orchidee.
Note stonate e degrado: la segnaletica sarebbe da ripassare in quanto scolorita specialmente nel tratto che da Chignero sale al Passo della Serra; una coppia di escursionisti qui incontrati ci segnala, che il sentiero che dal M. Manico del Lume scende a Chignero è infrascato e malamente segnato.
-Carta dei sentieri e rifugi 1:25000, Riviera di Levante Golfo del Tigullio -Ed. Multigraphic Firenze
Bibliografia essenziale:
-C. Pezzani,S. Grillo- A piedi in Liguria -Guide Iter 2004
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