Friday, November 28, 2008

Aspartame Containing Products

The landslide along the path . 4 in the Regional Park of Monte Marcello Magra-

Saturday, November 15 now mid-afternoon I decided to return with Stephen, after a few years now, to check the condition of one of the most beautiful trails and wild promontory of Caprione in the Regional Natural Park Montemarcello The lean-sent . No. 4, who was born in Tellaro to "die" at Punta Bianca along the hillside on the south-western of the promontory, is officially closed for several years due to a major landslide occurred downstream Zanego Loc. The break is clearly marked by appropriate signs in both directions so people will continue do so at your own risk!

The hike in short quick round trip to / from r Loc.Gruzza (275 m). From here you hundred yards along a dirt road slightly downhill on the feeling. No. 3 in the direction Zanego then turn left onto the path of connection that goes down and soon intersects sent. 4. Continue initially almost flat around the following edge of the cliff (the thick vegetation reduces the sense of sheer). Further along the trail intersects on the left of the path that descends to the small beach Marossi , trace not shown on all cards. At some point you arrive in the area of \u200b\u200bthe landslide (200 m) partially reclaimed by vegetation. From this point on the practicability of the path becomes critical but not impossible. The trail continues downhill with hairpin bends and that lap times through the area of \u200b\u200bgrain forced to overcome obstacles such as boulders and logs felled by the landslide itself. The steeper and slippery are equipped with rope or strips of luck that someone has apparently settled after the landslide. We thus lose about 110 m above sea level. Then the trail continues without major differences in height but with a bit of up and down to above the cliffs of plastron. You exit the forest and scrub to cross some olive groves in the recovery phase while the path is now a kind of trench bounded by stone walls. Continue until it intersects the third that sent Zanego salt (100 m approx.) Now it's dark but at this point follow easily on the trail that climbs to the scattered houses of Zanego (250 m), cross it and soon returns to the starting point (Loc. La Gruzza)
Total difference in height : 195 m
Net time of travel: 2h 30 '
full tour with several stops: started at 15.50, returning 18.30, 2h 40'

signposts: Caprione the whole promontory was well-marked recently by volunteers from the section of CAI Sarzana, through an agreement with the Park Authority, Dedicated segaletica warns that sent the No. 4 is accessible only by EE ( And choose to walk unaccompanied Sperti E) senaletica while further warns that the trail is prohibited by landslide!

Caratteristiche del fondo: sent 4 è un sentiero, sent 3 nel trato percorso è una antica stradina/mulattiera selciata in pietra con brevi tratti allargati e sterrati per consentire il transito alle auto private per i residenti tra Zanego e La Gruzza.

Punti di appoggio e ristoro lungo il tragitto: A short detour allows you to get off at Tellaro where you can find excellent restaurants and bars for rifocillasi.

environments: you go through a rich and intricate maquis with holm oak, arbutus, mastic, alternately, phillyrea, stracciabraghe, viburnum, juniper, etc.. to dominate the beautiful pine forests are in Aleppo pine, the real note value and interest in nature and landscape of this part of costa.Un interesting publication in this regard is the Thesis of Maximilian Cardelli (see References)

Presenza di acqua potabile: solo deviando a Tellaro, fontana pubblica
Collegamenti e mezzi di trasporto: Loc Gruzza è servita dalla SP 25 Lerici-Montemarcello-Ameglia. Fermate ATC sia a Zanego che in Loc. Gruzza oltre che naturalmente nei paesi vicini (Montemarcello, Tellaro, Lerici, Ameglia)

Note stonate e degrado: prescindendo dal fenomeno franoso, che ha cause naturali, si segnalano alcuni abusi edilizi ad opera dei soliti “furbi” prontamente intercettati by the authorities, reported and impounded. In one case it is a small stone building in place loc. The Gruzza intersection between the 3 and sent the fitting of hearing 4. I photographed just kidnapped months ago. The owner or his representative, thought it well to expand by adding a faux rustic room, with fake even more fake walls and roof. Now the building is still there and the tapes are gone, hopefully good ... The other building is seized along the downstream of 4 sen Figarolo Loc. Here you notice a couple of stone buildings seized by the Municipal Police of Lerici in a wooded area enclosed by hundreds of meters of the network.
- A small but disturbing note of degradation is represented by concrete slides, which allow the transit of motocariole for the restructuring of some rustic cottages along the path 3 in the stretch-Zanego plastron. Unfortunately a lot of mule in our province are gone just like that, one after another shovel of cement.
-Some dry-stone wall (privately owned) has fallen by narrowing the carriageway of the path n ° 4
La-Da Loc Gruzza Zanego to hear 3 of the trail has been expanded (perhaps already before the establishment of the Park) to allow transit cars from the owners of the first houses Zanego. The pavement Stone is no longer legible, the fund was covered with gravel. The stretch affected is around 300 m.

The landslide: the detachment is located at an altitude of 200 m above sea level about a little further downstream Zanego. Bringing the look upwards in relation to the path that runs through it, lies a crumbling rocky ridge on which stands in a precarious balance great Aleppo pine above the detachment crossed the path of the landslide. Here and there are chaotic mass of rocks and trees uprooted, but the transition is still not easy. One side of the detachment has a small population of common reed (Arundo donax ) reveals that, along with a clay and muddy bottom, the presence of a water surface, responsible for the landslide. The landslide is still active and it is clear that considering his nature, extent and its location would be unthinkable if it is put out quickly and safely without a large amount of capital. It will be the kind to stop when it wants.

-map of the trails on-Line
- paper trail Monte Caprione Val di Magra 1:10.000 by the ' Park Board Montemarcello
Slim - Lerici and its -hiking map 1:17.000 (!?) by the Municipality and the Environmental League of Lerici Lerici-Ed. Italian Cartographic Studio (GE) (contains info. The historical nature in the area)
- east of La Spezia-Sarzana- 1:25,000 hiking map by the CAI La Spezia, La Spezia Panathlon, Carisp-Ed. Italian Cartographic Studio (GE) (The map shows the routes described in some works published by Studio G. Barbed Cartographic Italian)
- route Bassa Val di Magra -card and travel paths 1:25.000 by the CAI Sez Sarzana-Ed Multigraphic -Florence (in this paper there are several mistakes, the numbering does not coincide with the official and sent 4 is shown as sent. 3!)
- Cultural Park Magra and earth Luni, paper-guide, and Parks cultural dela Regione Liguria

· S. Maccioni, Guide to the Park of Monte Marcello, educational nature trails -Ed. Sagep, 1991
· AA.VV., Il parco naturale regionale di Montemarcello Magra, guida rapida -Ed.Sagep 2000
· E. Puntelli, Guida alla flora ed ala fauna del Carpione , Associazione di pubblica assistenza croce rosso bianca Lerici 1986
· G. Cabano, I cavanei del Monte Caprione , Lerici 1985
· E. Calzolari, Raccolta di toponimi del territorio d Lerici , Lerici 1987
· M. Cardelli Di Tommaso P.L., Le pinete del promontorio del Caprione (La Spezia). Tesi di laurea (1994-95)
Sceneggiatura, personaggi, interpreti ed antefatti…
Siamo partiti un po' tardi questo pomeriggio, sottovalutando il fatto che ormai le days are very short. Here then, after a beautiful sunset while we were half way up I felt full 4 in high bush, darkness fell quickly is a bit 'anxiety took us ... boars are hardly a threat unless they are injured, have little to defend or, as in this case, you may find them in front of their path, and perhaps because of the high stone walls do not have many chances to avoid them! Knows' s friend Stefano di Tramonti, who last year at a time like it was "jumped" by two young boars bringing some bruising and so much fear.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Brazilian Wax O Ho Chi Minh

The botanical trail of Torre Guardiola-PN5T

Lo scorso Martedì e oggi ho accompagnato lungo il Percorso Botanico di Torre Guardiola, nel Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre quattro classi dell’ Istituto Comprensivo di Lerici . Si trattava di un programma organizzato dall’ Agenzia Viaggi del Parco che coinvolgeva anche Sabrina, una collega Guida Turistica. Ci siamo divisi le classi e mentre un gruppo faceva con me il percorso botanico, l’altro seguiva sabrina lungo la Via dell’Amore to Manarola and vineyards. In the afternoon, then the groups were reversed. The program lasts two days and tomorrow, after spending the night at the hostel Ospitalia Seas Levanto is scheduled to visit the lemon groves of Monterosso.

The botanical trail of Torre Guardiola
The course is housed in an old abandoned military area of \u200b\u200bthe Second War (see details below). It can be accessed from the town of Riomaggiore taking the path that starts from the sea, or from along the road from Riomaggiore up to the Resort. Along the way you will find effective information panels that explain in simple terms the various species of flora, vegetation types (the Mediterranean maquis, the garrigue , the halophytes, etc..) Ecology of these environments. E 'can also enjoy birdwatching , and observe the many birds in the bush ( Warbler, Whitethroat , etc.), the gulls and falcons that nest on the coast, without counting the occurrences during the period of seasonal migration, a paradise for bird lovers.

Accessibility: The path from the marina up to the "Battery" in about 20 minutes but is well protected in some places quite steep, so be recommended only to those who have particular difficulty walking or dizziness. As mentioned though, the path that starts coming down the main access to the "Battery" is available to all and very scenic.
To access must pay a ticket: € 1.5 each, 2.5 grp family ingreso free for holders of 5Terre Card (more info centers in the park reception)

The environmental education center : it is served by a modern classroom with two computer e diversi microscopi binoculari, sale studio, centro congressi, archivi multimediali. In questa ed in altre strutture ricavate dal recupero delle vecchie batterie si svolgono durante l’anno corsi e congressi promossi dal Parco e dal Centro di EA . Fino allo scorso anno si occupavano della gestione della struttura: Fulvio Dente, Maria Berettieri , Cristina Berettieri , Daniele Tringali , competenti biologi e naturalisti

Note storiche su Torre Guardiola-o “Batteria Racchia”
Quest’area occupava una posizione strategica per il controllo e la difesa della costa, godendo di un vasta visuale che Today, fortunately, we appreciate the reasons for more peaceful. It was part of a comprehensive system, set up by the Navy in defense of the Military of La Spezia and then transformed by the Germans after the armistice in an antiaircraft battery. The Germans abandoned the April 24, 1945. Later the area was reclaimed by our Navy and sold to the City of Riomaggiore. Throughout the area there are bunkers and pillboxes partly recovered and used in study rooms and reception center will remain visible while the bases with concrete anchors of the anti-aircraft guns. For more info click

the day with the boys' Ist . Comp. of Lerici
We met the children and teachers at the train station of La Spezia to catch the train of 10 to get in a few minutes Riomaggiore. Here we expect an environmentally friendly natural gas buses that brought us the Park at the main entrance of the botanical trail, along the road from the village up to the Resort. Hence our visit goes downhill along a narrow road, also accessible to disabled people, across the Mediterranean among beautiful views. W extends to the coast and the Cinque Terre with Promontory Mesco situated on the border of this small world after which the weather is nice you sees learning Liguria, the promontory of Portofino and the Maritime Alps, while to the east coast of the islands Sunsets Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto . Towards the south the "vast sea" to the horizon you can see the islands of the Tuscan and Corsica.!
With the guys we talked about the essences of course, the difference between flora and vegetation and the adaptations of plants in the Mediterranean climate. As always, I enjoyed a little scared 'with the poisonous latex of' Euphorbia tree but this time nobody died ;-)

About halfway through the building that meet
houses the center of EA that has been made available if there had surprised a bit by the storm that raged for days. A bit 'below the entrance of the underground tunnels dug by the military during the war. You can cross them coming out near a bunker (you can imagine the fun of the boys!) mentre poco più sotto si trova il centro accoglienza-bar davanti al quale si trova una terrazza panoramica con tavoli e sedie.
Il percorso
potrebbe proseguire continuando a scendere fino alla spiaggia di Riomaggiore ma oggi è chiuso per motivi di sicurezza a causa delle piogge di questi giorni. Eh si, purtroppo questi ragazzi sono stati un po' sfortunati con la pioggia ma forse eravamo più noi a lamentarci che loro! La cosa incredibile è constatare che per molti di questi ragazzi, quindicenni, era la prima volta che venivano nelle Cinque Terre! Possiamo perdonare allora un po tutta l’allegra confusione che hanno fatto, perché in fondo sono stati simpatici e insieme ci siamo divertiti. In particolare devo ringraziare la 3° A che oggi pomeriggio è stata infettata dal morbo della “ belinite ” acuta e non la smettevano più di ridere. Sarà per la vergogna quindi che nella foto si coprono il viso?
Ciao a tutti ragazzi e auguri per la promozione visto che siete in terza!

Carrambata : small personal note, a true " Carràmba " one of the teachers accompanying the children was also my professors . Art of the SM Poggi of Lerici ! Help! It's been 24 years! Prof. A big kiss!

wrong notes : the tree of heaven, here is spreading ...

Bibliografia: vi segnalo un interessante libricino sull’avifauna del Parco Nazionale
Luca Baghino , Guida agli uccelli del Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre, 2002- LIPU Lega Italiana protezione uccelli (In vendita dei centri accoglienza)

Foto: Vagobrado e Sabrina, un slightly exhausted at the end of the day ...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

University Of Phoenix Online

From Corniglia to Vernazza with the school at Monterotondo

When I created this blog my intention was to focus my attention on lesser-known tracks from my territory, avoiding comment on the most famous ones such as. the sent. Blue National Park of Cinque Terre, ol ' Ligurian Alta Via dei Monti, which can be found in the literature and a lot of material on the net.
But here I am contradicting myself to describe a stretch of the Blue Trail (No. 2 numbering CAI), namely that between Corniglia and Vernazza, route today (October 30, 2008) to accompany Working class boys 3rd of SM Monterotondo tour operator customers of mine of La Grande Travel . With
me another colleague, Marco with whom we shared the path dividing the classes.

Description of the route
It starts from the railway station of Corniglia (info PN5T point) to reach the village of Corniglia , located about 90 m above sea level by a road that runs along the rail and a series of ramps to steps (via Lardarina, about 360 steps). The path continues alongside the parish church of San Pietro and crossing a little further on the road near the park where the staff casottino controls Card 5T (now closed). From here, after crossing the Rio with the rump of the Canal Bridge, begins a road paved in stone through olive groves, climbing up to a point marked by the emergence of column No. 10 from which there is a magnificent view over the village of Corniglia and on the beach below Guvano. Above you can see a group of houses in San Bernardino below which begins the detachment of the great landslides of Guvano . We went almost flat while the paved road becomes more narrow, up to a clearing with some bench situated about where the path intercepts the landslide. Climb some more 'to the houses of Prevo (208 m) the highest proportion is found along this stretch. Prevo is appreciated by the valley of Guvano and the particular morphology of this stretch of coast characterized by steep slopes interspersed with "marine terraces. Continue to Vernazza alternating stretches of stairs down to whether more or less flat but always through olive groves wasteland invaded by a rich Mediterranean and a number of more barren rock with rocks. Now the scene has arrived in Vernazza s really impressive ui roofs of the village and the ancient defensive structures.

Time: about 2 hours (1 h 30 'from the country)
Length: 4 km
Key Quote:
  1. railway station 10 m above sea level

  2. Corniglia S. Pietro 95 m s.l.m.
  3. Punto panoramico 160 m slm-Punto sosta c/o frana di Guvano 155 m slm.
  4. Prevo 208 m slm-Vernazza 4 m slm

Fruibilità: questo tratto di sentiero, come tutto il sentiero litoraneo n° 2 che collega tutti e cinque i borghi, è percorribile previo pagamento di un biglietto di acceso (vedi le diverse tipologie di CARD 5T ); i ricavati sono utilizzati tra l’altro per la manutenzione dei percorsi e il ripristino dei muretti a secco. Il lieve dislivello e le condizioni del fondo lo rendono adatto quasi a tutti; qualche problema potrebbe averlo chi soffre di vertigini per alcuni tratti esposti ma comunque protetti parapet.

Fund features: location almost completely paved with stone, with traits at the landslides of Guvano of dirt road, wooden steps just before the landslides of overcoming a difficult (note the steps slippery in the rain!). Due to the large turnout of walkers, over time it was noticed some erosion of certain sections.

signs and emergency services : once the route was marked by a trail white / blue; today that these signs are a few tracks, replaced by more appropriate signage CAI. A new feature consists of several tables placed along the path traveled with emergency numbers and useful information for locating the point in an emergency . The posts emergency solar-power related to operating 118-115-1515 are present and active for some years.

Criticality and jarring notes: considering the great turnout on the trails during the warmer months and especially during the holidays, attention should be given to persons making

in the opposite direction, taking all measures to facilitate transit ensuring their and others' safety. In the rest of the landslide Guvano has been present for many years a "cat lady" with a dozen stray cats, whereas the hygienic conditions of the poor cat waste scattered around, set up plastic sheets as shelter, food cans scattered, not is really a pretty sight ...
The presence of a waste container placed along the trail between Vernazza and Prevo might be a good idea but unfortunately, as I remember in the spring with the large influx of "tourists" the same is presented while the overflowing collection service very occasionally. And if you dust off the old habit of leaving litter all the way home as you know who habitually frequents the mountain?
The collapse of dry stone walls, the distinguishing feature of the landscape, is one of the priority issues that the National Park has been placed, the payment of a ticket to enter the path aims at achieving this goal. The picture shows a section of wall collapsed between Prevo and Vernazza.
Positive notes: I particularly like the sign that warns against use of plastic bags, too bad it has only seen in Vernazza, and I hope that soon we strive for their removal, as required by European standards . Finally, the new containers for recycling !

presence of drinking water: Corniglia to find several public fountains, three near the church, all with excellent water. At the landslides of Guvano do not count on small spring almost always dry. A Prevo there is a bar open seasonally (summer and holidays, not all). Vernazza also found a couple of public fountains.

Prevo : small group of houses along the hillside (208 m) which meets about half way along the path . Some local historians have speculated for Prevo very ancient, if, even in etymological basis, even Roman origins. According to these scholars Prevo would rise as the old station to stop and change horses in the service of the ancient Via Littoranea. Unfortunately, only a hypothesis, although attractive, are not substantiated by historical documents.

Historical Notes on the geology and landslides of Guvano
The competition generated by landslides is of particular geological conditions: the contact between two different geological units (units and Tuscan Units Canetolo) tectonized strongly, the presence of a aquifer, the particular composition of the unit and LOCATION Canetolo. Both are composed of sedimentary rocks, but as the units are Toscane rappresentate in questo trato di costa da solide torbiditi arenacee, l’Unità di Canetolo è costituita da argilliti, brecce calcaree, calcareniti, calcisiltiti, che oltre ad essere fortemente alterate tai movimenti tettonici, sono per loro natura soggette ad assorbire l’acqua, aumentando di volume e assumendo una consistenza plastica, tutti fattori che contribuiscono a innescare fenomeni franosi.
Le cronache raccontano come la notte fra il 26 e il 27 dicembre 1853 un’enorme massa di rocce e terra si mise in movimento appena sotto il borgo di San Bernardino colassando in mare dove ancora oggi è possibile osservare il caratteristico fronte di frana aperto a ventaglio sulla costa. Cesare Zolfanelli e Vincenzo Santini descrissero la Help each other in the Alps in 1874: " pressure piled at the foot of the cliff materials confusedly, that was obviously some rough boulders, underwater rocks, which formed in front of the small breast Guvan, were driven from the bottom up and emerged covered with corals and coral that for a trato found themselves in a deadly element to them "
The landslide has never stopped completely so that the first track to single track railway line had to be periodically realigned due to the slow movement of soil that tends to drag towards the sea. Around 1960, when the doubling of the line, it was decided to pass the path ni gallery, finally leaving the path open. Today, facing the path, you can see the bottom of the valley Guvano the beginning of the two abandoned tunnels and a glimpse of the old layout
( Bibliography: A. Casavecchia, E. Salvatori "The park man, vol 2 - The history and the stone "Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre, 2003)

Flora and vegetation the path is characterized by olive trees, sometimes in a state of neglect. They are kept turfed and bloom from spring are characterized by 'yellow wood sorrel (Oxalis pes-caprae) una pianta alloctona ormai naturalizzata, con un temperamento decisamente infestante.
Degna di nota la presenza nei pressi della paleofrana di un endemismo, l’euforbia spinosa ligure (Euphorbia spinosa subsp. ligustica) che normalmente vive sui substrati ofiolitici. Da Prevo a Vernazza ancora uliveti ma anche macchia mediterranea e tratti a vegetazione rupestre. Spiccano in questi ambienti le grandi infiorescenze delle agavi.

Segnalazione faunistiche: in questo tratto si osserva spesso il più grande passeraceo europeo: il corvo imperiale (Corvus corax) it has a wingspan that can reach 1.3 m. In Italy it is present with populations rather than localized, and is not often meet.

actors and performers: the guys here MS Monterotondo, his face covered for privacy reasons (!?)... hello guys, you were nice! Greetings also to the teachers and the carer Michele DIMAV Italy, having a nice enthusiastic love with a beautiful slate could not do so entirely at less than " camallarsela " all the way! Ebbravo, greetings to you too! And finally, Mark, my colleague Guide, represented here as it emerges as a shoot of asparagus by vegetation, greetings to you too!