Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Backpacks Sold At General Pants


the shameful story of the gunner to the harmlessness Libyan Italian fishing boat in statements
1) It was a mistake, they believed they were migrants.
2) They then fired into the air and sea and only last on the hull because he had not stood by the altar.
3) illegal fishing.
4) DO NOT have chased the Italian boat.

Who has issued this statement? The spokesman for the Libyan Frattini. An Italian minister ITALIAN and I stress the first Escort to welcome Gaddafi in Italy, with a smile of delight only comparable to that of the last winner of Miss Italy. There bisognop a psychologist to understand that the first ela third justification is inconsistent and therefore Frattini (and Maroni) statements were leaving, as they say, to cazzodicane for bias.
It had an apt? We are sure that it is still a minister in Italian, is not that
set to escort it to be sold too? Frattini tells where you hid the Quran with a dedication to Gheddo? The vessel Aries although it has now identified by radio, was chased into international waters and strafed, and perfectly legal to fish for five long hours ,
under fire continuous Libyan patrol boat. The captain and his crew have seen death in the face, witnesses and victims of the incident, but Frattini did not believe them, believe in libici.Nessuna official protest from the Italian side, the Libyans have apologized ... all right! The minister replies alle critiche accusando l'opposizione di mera speculazione per offuscare il Governo.
E meno male che per pura casualità non c'è stata una strage, altrimenti il bravo ministro avrebbe incolpato i pescatori italiani di essersi fatti uccidere a posta per remare contro il Governo.
Io aggiungerei che gli spari libici fanno parte del folklore locale, tipo mortaretti, botteamuro, cipolle, tricchetracche, bomba di maradona... hanno visto gli Italiani e per la contentezza hanno sparato i fuochi... poi magari si sono anche offesi perché i pescatori sono scappati sotto coperta e non li hanno salutati, siamo proprio ingrati. Per fortuna c'è Frattini che ci salva dalle brutte figuracce, ora per completezza deve farsi carico di chiedere scusa alla Libya on behalf of the crew members of Aries, not to be murder victims, 'which are almost dead ... certificates. Very much dead and stuffed in the manner used by representatives of Government . try to believe him, maybe he's right, it is still a minister, the cream of the intelligentsia, the flower of the Italian political leadership, one that was chosen directly by the premier as premier of Italian history, among many other choices that could excelled make, type or Scajola Brancher ... Well, perhaps not the Italian fishing boat was chased by Libya, but the ghost ship of Jack Sparrow ...

During the "fruitful" discussions, and Silvio Gheddo what the heck they talking about? Only business? How is that they have solved this long-standing issue of sea boundaries, a priority for good neighborly relations?

the Italy-Libya to control the influx of illegal immigrants, there is also approved to open fire as a practice? The minutes of the Interior Ministry considers regular basis, as normal administration of the code of conduct Libyan patrol boat. That's why the low profile on this story. This means that the Italian Government is almost an accomplice in this criminal act. And that means that bursts of gunfire in boats laden with illegal immigrants, as a practice, causing dozens of deaths, hundreds of deaths obscure to us, but on the black consciousness of our government.


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