Saturday, January 30, 2010

Oboe, Fobo, Ofob, Cofo, Ocof,

SuperStyle Andre and Miss Drag Faces

Christian, miss Bragaa
(Nella foto Christian AKA Miss Bragaa)

Un GRAZIE di cuore alla BRAGAA e ad ANDREA Superstyle per la loro collaborazione, per la loro umiltà e simpatia.
é passato so another day of shooting, the project seems to have finally seemed to go slowly into gear, many people have responded, I have only written or other comments left, I'm really happy that many are interested in my work and now the only obstacle seems to be the estimate crowds that I was done for the lenticular panels but I will overcome this too ... Meanwhile, if anyone has any suggestions on research sponsors in anticipation of a future exhibition VENGANOOO BEN!
thanks to all those who read and those who just watch, as always
're adorable!

Andrea Superstyle
(Picture: Andrea AKA Andrea SuperStyle)


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