Saturday, January 30, 2010

Oboe, Fobo, Ofob, Cofo, Ocof,

SuperStyle Andre and Miss Drag Faces

Christian, miss Bragaa
(Nella foto Christian AKA Miss Bragaa)

Un GRAZIE di cuore alla BRAGAA e ad ANDREA Superstyle per la loro collaborazione, per la loro umiltà e simpatia.
é passato so another day of shooting, the project seems to have finally seemed to go slowly into gear, many people have responded, I have only written or other comments left, I'm really happy that many are interested in my work and now the only obstacle seems to be the estimate crowds that I was done for the lenticular panels but I will overcome this too ... Meanwhile, if anyone has any suggestions on research sponsors in anticipation of a future exhibition VENGANOOO BEN!
thanks to all those who read and those who just watch, as always
're adorable!

Andrea Superstyle
(Picture: Andrea AKA Andrea SuperStyle)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Retaining Wall Design Spreadsheet

Bragaa for Cartier and Maya Nicole Moon Dragfaces

Nicole Cartier
(Photo Marco AKA Nicole Cartier)

Dear readers,
(I know you are few, but it's fun anyway)
I can finally introduce the new portraits, this is Nicole Cartier, beautiful and sparkling, and alegante Luna Maya disturbing that have lent themselves to shots with great kindness, friendliness and willingness to get involved.
We had a lot me and Maya Nicole Moon (picture below).
Now I really want to thank everyone who replied to my facebook "appeal" to all those who support me in the project and think it worthwhile to commit to expand it and especially the drag that I have confirmed their availability.

(Ah, of course, as always, below you will find previews Flickr, where you can see the shots with a resolution of better <3 )

Maya Luna
(Photo Renato Luna Maya AKA)