Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Do Siamese Twins Mastubate

At the start the wind turbines on the High Street

Via libera all'impianto eolico previsto nel territorio di Zignago sul crinale between Val di Vara and Val di Magra (Lunigiana). This is one of three wind farms in the Province of La Spezia magazine and believe that there is a few years who will travel to the mythical "Via Regia", now affected by the walking path of ' Ligurian Alta Via dei Monti , can enjoy a conspicuous trail consists of a long line of pylons bearing fan. I state it is in favor (God forbid!) Alternative energy and therefore also of wind farms, provided they are placed in a way and in places not to damage the landscape and wildlife migration. Remember that the territory is placed an SIC (Site of Community Interest) that extends into the neighboring village Goblet of Cornoviglio , this next one to accommodate a wind farm. The Province of La Spezia has appointed Dr. Stephen Macchio to examine the possible negative impact on avifauna of these wind turbines in this part since it is reassures me a serious scholar and expert. However, what puzzles me is the impact on the landscape, geological and soil of the facilities provided. It will not be because of small systems such as the Pass of the chapel (Varese Ligure), which after all are part of the landscape in a discreet and some also nice, but real "wind farms" with dozens of blades. It will be necessary, for example, open new roads, harmful to environment so delicate as the soils of mountain pastures. In short, the risk is that to get a little 'clean energy "is always compromise for a unique and unrepeatable. It 'just that we speak, all to be involved in choices and decisions. E 'duty of governments and institutions to analyze all the pros and cons of listening to all voices and choices arguing with authority aside for once simplistic and demagogic reassurance. Personally I would suggest as an alternative to a fine off-shore wind farm such as that proposed by Enel in Gela maybe on our "beautiful" breakwater in the Gulf, what do you think? PS for the record, the mayor of Gela did fire and flames to oppose the project!

Pacific Science Center Seattle Where To Park

Wanted volunteers to clean the paths of Masco

I must point out this appeal to anyone who can devote some time to clean the paths of Masco. Unfortunately, the spokesman of the volunteers complained a "vocation crisis" is affecting the world bit of volunteering. Yet one can not say that the walking tourism has brought well-being over there!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Louisville Home Staging

Congratulations! Enduro races on old mule!

On the other hand it may happen that even those who should protect and preserve the integrity and safety of walking paths and trails (public government in particular) prefer to promote initiatives in the article that follows, devastating the ancient paving stones and soil erosion. This is a topic about which I will still want you to see the images on the conditions of the trails in the Val di Vara frequented by off-road.

3xl Motorcycle Helmets

SUV in Liguria, a political vacuum before cultural

A bit of clarity on the regulation of off-road movement in Liguria. This article is adapted from the Journal of the periodic VARA "No. 2 June 2008, signed by G. Slaughter. Esprienze Share your views on this subject and

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Steam Mount And Blade

The ring frame and the chestnut festival

Vagobrado takes a break. There are the olives to be picked so for now the weekend is working in the fields. On the other hand do not feel like leaving my grandfather, born in '25, only to climb trees even though they apparently more agile than ever.

However, today is Sunday and a bit 'of rest is called for. So the next morning I picked the olives but in the afternoon we decide to make a trip to Frame, Alta Val di Vara (SP). The goal is the chestnut festival. No excursion so even if we remember how Some years ago we happened to the same party for work, me and Frank as guides, leading a group of hikers Camminaparco, a program of excursions organized for the time-Park of Monte Marcello Magra. So I could tell you briefly that we organized the tour then! We try, in memory

The hike in short
Leave the car at Mangia (174 m), take the road along the river between the homonymous' another is affected by SCI. Then you pass Mill Camina and climb to Scogna (Variant a). A Scogna inf. (459 m) initially paved dirt road then takes us back to Frame (395 m) along the watershed between the River and T. Dorgiola Eat. The "hump" higher following this ridge is 580 m high (the highest share achieved in our turn). This guideline, which about half-way crosses the left nucleus of Zoar, is known as "Old via de ZUA " (so according to the charts posted by the local association Mangiatrekking ).
Then imagine doing this walk a warm Sunday in October, starting early in the morning, you will find a frame to the lunch hour, just in time to chill with the specialties the Chestnut festival!
From Frame to return to eat through the 'Old Rue du Carlascia "(25')
signposts: CAI and other signs by the local association Mangiatrekking. Please refer to the numbering of the Charter of the paths of the Val di Vara and neighboring valleys "CAI La Spezia, scale 1:55.000. Cartographic Studio Italian GE

Total difference in elevation: 406 m

Time required: mha, not to say inaccurate things, time has passed, you need to know that as I wrote above, if you depart early morning for the lunch time frame you are eating pancakes.

Fund features: partially paved road, but a bit 'because it is not very busy, partly' because the bucolic surroundings are very relaxing, it does not clash much. The rest of the trail is mostly dirt road (Scogna-frame).
Mapping and bibliographic information:
- Charter of the paths of the Val di Vara and neighboring valleys "CAI La Spezia, scale 1:55.000. Cartographic Studio Italian GE
-AA.VV. -Val di Vara, Sagep Publishing 1990
G.Spinato-guide paths of the Val di Vara, Cartographic Studio Italian, Genoa
-Paul De Nevi, Val di Vara a cry, a song Studies Centre Val di Vara, 1988

Notes interesting curiosity, natural features

Zoar: ancient rural settlement which today only the ruins remain, in a panoramic position on the ridge between the valleys of the stream and the stream Dorgiola Mangia. It is found along the dirt road (Old Via de ZUA) that connects to Scogna frame, are the remains of a chapel, a sign that those who lived there certainly enjoyed a degree of prosperity.

Historical Perspectives on frame.
See site Frame

Photos: along the streets, poems written on old tiles, a Madonna with child, thankfully well protected, dated 1710, the memorial of one of the many episodes of cowardice during World War II, the country's cat ...

specialties chestnut festival: the organization, by the Pro Loco, is very good and to breathe for a bell'aria real country festival. Women's Frame prepare rice cakes and sweets, an old scaffolding serves as a support to the hollow where Toast the frying pan roasted chestnuts, hot and sweaty constantly agitated by two volunteers (each with its good glass of wine on the side). Then, in the former chapel, now the country club, you will find chestnut ricotta pancakes (4 pancakes mere € 2, 2.50 with cheese!) And a good local white wine, flavored, made with grapes and Albarola Cigliegiolo , only 50 cents. There is not much variety as you can see but all is done with simple and pleasant and offered genuine. And then where the girders a nice bag of roasted chestnuts, only 1.5 euros! Come on, we Liguria, no? And it pays attention to these things ...

By car, coming from the motorway A12 at Ashlar, then take the SS566 in the direction of sixth-Godano Varese Ligure . Follow it for about 4 km to the right until you find the sign for frames. From the toll is 20 minutes.

Characters and performers
with us today: Frank, myself and Gabriel (Member of the Useless, in photo at the foot of his cross) which is then added late in the pom. Stephen returned from Zeri followed by small Nadir mum Clare (again with the belly, I forecast ... female) and dad Alex.
And the day ends together for dinner at the home of Franca that despite the empty fridge almost always manages to come up with something even when it comes to feed seven unexpected guests! Thanks from all of us Professor!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Foods Containing Aspartame

From Rapallo to Chiavari passing by NS Montallegro

From Rapallo to Chiavari passing by NS Montallegro.
Excursion October 5, 2008
The hike in short
Leave the car at Chiavari c / o San Pier di Canne (9 m). After a few meters of asphalt in the direction of Maxey on the right is the trail FIE and a staircase that rises through the case.Si transits from the parish church of Maxey (153 m) and continue going uphill along the watershed between the Val Fontanabuona and the river by touching the places Senate Camiade Homes (244 m) houses Costa (303 m), M. Castello, M. Anchetta, La Colla (525 m) Passo anchetta, M Groppo, another M. Castle, C. Long Plain, M. Rose, NS Montallegro (612 m).

Al P.so dell'Anchetta intersects the paved road that leads to Oneto, while not far from the restaurant down the path to Zoagli (FIE a trail red diamond)
The trail, following the watershed between the Val Fontanabuona and the coast, with beautiful views along the coast ranging from Punta Manara Mount of Portofino to the hinterland where over Val Fontanabuona see the chain of M. Ramaceto, M Penn, the M. Maggiorasca, M. Zatta ...

the sanctuary a wide paved road down to Rapallo initially through lush ilex followed further down by olive trees. About halfway you can see Villa Beltrame (339 m) in a state of neglect, you can still see the facade covered with slabs of slate as it used to be. Later we cross the small group of "Case Pilgrim" and the chapel of St. Bartholomew, now at the outskirts of Rapallo.Si continues to fall on the asphalt where possible and cutting down the stairs to the train station.

Segnavia: tracciato ben segnato; CAI e FIE , due quadrati vuoti rossi da Chiavari fino a N.S. di Montallegro, poi due croci rosse dal santuario fino a Rapallo

Dislivello totale in salita: 856 m

Tempi netti di percorrenza: da Chiavari al Santuario 3h e mezza di cammino; Santuario stazione ferroviaria di Rapallo 1 h
Giro completo con soste varie e andatura piuttosto tranquilla: 7h e 30

Caratteristiche end: from Chiavari until you climb a staircase Homes Costa concrete probably built several decades ago to dismantle or burying the original stone staircase, from here almost to the Sanctuary trail narrows because of the vegetation and land that has accumulated over time on the pavement, which was then restricted. Remain upstream of the path of stone slabs embedded along the edge of the street to protect itself and travelers. However, the transition is smooth and you can see the remains of a recent cleaning (perhaps by the local team of hunters).

environments: from Chiavari to meet the Shrine of olive groves, maquis, holm oak, a beautiful wood of hornbeam, chestnut, stain degraded by fire, then again, a beautiful young holm oak.

Notes of Interest, curiosity, natural features
Maxey, Parish Church of San Martino ; rectory in 1389 already

The Shrine of Our Lady of Monteallegro dates back to 1500, neo-Gothic style has a white marble facade visible from the sea. For centuries, is a destination for sailors who come down here to ask a favor and leave a votive offerings which you all'inteno commercialization of the same sanctuary where there is an unlikely souvenir shop to buy plastic and where even a simple folding of a smaller A4 sheet of paper that shows the brief history of the sanctuary is priced at the modest sum of € 1.
The shrine was built from the outside seems to enhance the vertical distance between the human and the divine . Who is in the square opposite the front of the sanctuary and feel overwhelmed by the impressive amount of dazzling white marble that adorns, while behind the tower you see only the end part, inclined towards the sky

homes and villages: They meet every so often scattered houses and small groups as semi abandoned houses coast (303 m) next to buildings where new bill you can still see the old farm buildings with the roof stone weep, partly collapsed. Unfortunately, this traditional type of construction for the costs to the low sensitivity is gradually replaced by that of Marseille. Here we find a fountain with a tap but it is dry.

Interesting Villa Beltrame, visible on the trail that descends from the Sanctuary in Rapallo. Interesting the outer slabs of slate.

Dry-stone walls: along the first stretch of the route we stop to admire the way that knowledge was constructed differently than he is in 'extreme east of La Spezia. All the drywall in fact end with a ring of stones laid vertically. We make several assumptions: Castellana supposes that the aim would be to raise barriers to potential entry by thieves as they did to us with the broken glass placed on the walls of the lemon groves of Monterosso, as noted by the poet E. Montale, Franca pensa che si tratti di opere di spietramento dei campi, io ne vedo invece una funzione estetica. Insomma, dateci una mano voi e dite la vostra...

Gli uliveti: quest’anno sarà un anno d’oro per l’olio, dopo l’anno di scarica e l’attacco della mosca degli anni scorsi ! Attraversiamo dei bei uliveti carichi di olive ormai prossime alla maturazione. Reti multicolori sono stese sotto le chiome, una presenza di plastica che per una volta non disturba. Castellana, l’agronomo-forestale della compagnia ci racconta come la varietà locale ligure detta “razzola” sia in realtà un tipo particolare cultivar "Frantoio".

blooms during the period: autumn can present as a second spring for the Mediterranean area, the ivy and stracciabraghe (Smilax aspera) are in full bloom and fill the air of persistent species and honeyed.

supporting points and refreshments along the way: restaurant-trattoria c / p.so dell'Anchetta and later, shortly before arriving at the sanctuary we find the hotel restaurant bar "the Pilgrim place in a villa of the last century is in the city of the Gulf of Tigullio. Here we have a stop on the garden terrace shaded by linden trees pruned pergola, in front of the structure. There were many people, especially foreigners who have spent a few days of vacation here and now warmly greet the managers, a tall, lean and mild-mannered lady at the bar. The atmosphere both inside and outside is that of a typical démodé nicely underlined by the ways and managers as well as the appearance of the interior decor. For the record, the bitter orange is off the table at 2.5 euros. Just below the forecourt of the Shrine is the Albergo Ristorante Montallegro.

wrong notes and degradation: la scalinata in cemento che da Chiavari sale a Case Costa; nelle vicinanze di Case Costa c’è una piccola discarica abusiva;

attenzione nei giorni di mercoledì e domenica alle battute di caccia al cinghiale, ben segnalate da cartelli ma i molti spari che abbiamo sentito vicino a noi ci hanno fatto un po' preoccupare

Collegamenti e mezzi di trasporto: noi abbiamo utilizzato l’auto fino a Chiavari utilizzando il treno per rientrare da Rapallo (Rapallo-Chiavari, 8 minuti di treno). Con un minimo di organizzazione è consigliabile arrivare a Chiavari in treno and then starts from Rapallo. The Sanctuary is served by a cable-car from Rapallo (last tour at this time at 17) and the bus.

Trivia: near the shrine a plaque commemorates Guglielmo Marconi made here that some of his experiments in radio transmission between February and September 1935

esenziale Bibliography:
-Cynthia Pezzani and Sergio Grillo A walk in Liguria Vol 1, Ed Guide Iter
2007-M. Mariotti, from the Tigullio Bracco, Ed Erga, Genoa 1996
Portofino-Tigullio Gulf-Ed Multigraphic-Florence (map of the trails and shelters 1.25000)
No.-2-3-Sestri Levante Graveglia Val-naturalistic study and EdM FIE (Federation Italian Hiking) (1:25000 map of the trails)

Why you recommend it? It 's a very scenic location with stunning views of the coast from Punta Manara Mount of Portofino and Ligurian Apennines, through agricultural landscapes are dominated by olive trees, areas of Mediterranean holm oak, hornbeam, chestnut, in short, is seen rising switching between different levels of vegetation (from the Mediterranean to the hill-mountain) and the differences between the inner side of this (plus mesophyll) and coastal (more thermophilic).
because the path is basically well maintained and easy practicability.
And finally, because the opportunity to sit in the bar-restaurants along the route at least for our company is a virtually essential!

screenplay, characters, performers and background ...

Stefano C, Stephen N., P. Gabriel, Daniela M., Frank R., David B., Agnes N .
Franca, now did not want to get on some icy mountain and goes to the sea on my mind a long journey decritto dalla guida "A piedi in Liguria" che da Chiavari arriva a Rapallo transitando dal il santuario di Montallegro.
Bene, la meta c'è, non resta che avvertire i soliti amici, con i quali si era già d'accordo di combinare qualcosa. So gia che radunare tutti i componenti della “Compagnia dell’assurdo” e convogliarli verso un’unica meta a un preciso orario sarà dura; inizia quindi il consueto balletto tragicomico. Gabriele (autonominatosi con sottile ironia “membro inutile”) scorda luogo e ora dell'appuntamento, il cel. Ovviamente non prende e così ce lo lasciamo indietro di qualche tesa per poi ripescarlo al casello di Bugnato. Qui invece era ad attenderci in perfetto orario il buon Castellana from Sarzana. A last-minute phone call and also the Family Christmas is the game, giving up the scheduled tour in the Apennines because today is a bit 'covered. Stefano then boarded his wife Daniela and Agnes. Ok we can go, but some delay in bringing vabhè, we start with two cars and one sees at the exit of Chiavari, but not before a stop at the toll booth to get groceries, which of course only the Fam has been careful to make Christmas as the rest of us we have not prepared anything. We share, but the imponderable, however, is lurking and the fam. Christmas engaged in a heated discussion about the color of the shutters to give (or something) jumps out of the Chiavari! We, however, you go out and Pending reunification becomes a walk on the waterfront to admire the remains of the former Colonia Fara (the building is desperately appealing, we decided to come back and purple). These are the 11.15, I. Franca and Gabrielle are walking along the seafront at the foot of Chiavari ... I have hiking boots ... we should not be here, I think ... the last Christmas but still manage to find some misunderstanding Chiavari means that while they, the laggards , San Pier rods are now, where the path, we lose another four there and take the road that leads to Leivi ... finally, thanks to an excited phone as confused bridge between me and Stephen N. we all come together with the parking lot of San Pier rods and we almost feel like hugging
and celebrate ... we all rests on the compassionate eye of the young Agnes. They are "just" the 11.35, and finally began walking path ...