Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hair Transplant Dr. Arvind Poswal

Drag Faces

simon ravizza
Simon Ravizza into the picture.
(click on individual photos to flickr profile bottom of the page)

Here is the new photography project on the faces of the Drag Queen.
I'm looking drag queen who want to show both their faces, and that of the daily show ... I chose the drag queen and another figure to show more clearly why legata al mondo gay, e perchè spesso per questo motivo non viene considerata al pari di altri artisti.
... e poi mi son sempre chiesta come fossero i volti quotidiani delle drag queen, che professione svolgono di giorno, se ne hanno una oltre il palcoscenico, e quale sia il loro aspetto meno "gioioso" quando non sono Lei...
L'ho fatto in un modo molto delicato,sterile, che sperò abbia come unica finalità quella di aprire una comunicazione diretta tra osservatore e soggetto ritratto.
Davanti ad una foto si può sostare per parecchi minuti, anche per ore a volte, riconoscersi in uno sguardo o esserne affascinati... quale migliore occasione anche per chi non apprezza questo genere artistico per andare al di la del pregiudizio e discover the human faces without labels ...
I realize that almost all are forced to have a regular job during the day but do not be afraid, do the Drag Queen is art and should not be afraid that someone knows who you are.
For anyone interested call me: 349-2171372

The guy above is the fascinating artist Simon Ravizza who kindly gave me shots and I am very honored.
a special thanks to all who are helping me to take the project forward, I hope that at the end we can all celebrate together with a vernissage.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Kates Playground Hot Shower

Hello everyone, as it is the first post on this new and yet another blog I want to reassure all those who get updates by saying that it is not an outlet for the evenings snow ...

say that this will present a few 'my work and a bit' I will try to remind myself why I do heheh other hand I know that groped to complete a project often triggered doubts about the credibility ... and then, perhaps documenting and waiting for new supporters also maintain my confidence in myself at a good level ...
know, especially when it is a very small steps that are performed to arrive at a conclusion that happens you forget where you started for a while ... So should we forget ...