Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Internal Memory Error In Tally

A 11 - The Ring of Monte Zatta

The hike in short: the Zatta The ring is a known location rather frequented by hikers Tuscan-Ligurian-Emilian. For convenience, we left a car and a Reppia to Arzeno in P.za R. Pessagno (598 m) from where we started to walk 10.25.

Climbing up to Pian d'Oneto crossing of chestnut in part still well kept up to 833 m above sea level to intersect the paved road that climbs to Arzeno step of the snake.

Cross the road and continue on a dirt road on the right having Pian
of Oneto. After 200 m to pay attention to the path that branches off to the right with little visible trail as it leaves the dirt road that continues for Casoni washing.

You walk over dirt in an open pasture and shrubs down to the
snake near the pitch (890 m) from where it begins to climb the Mt Chiappozzo (1127 m asl).

Basically from here you follow the ridge-watershed between Val and Graveglia
Val di Vara fiancheggiando il versante NE del M. Coppello fino a q 1025 m dove a destra di stacca la “Strada del Bacciccia” mentre il nostro cammino prosegue ora in decisa salita fino a Prato Pinello.

Purtroppo per tutto questo tratto siamo stati sferzati da un freddo vento teso da
N. Sul M.te Prato Pinello (1391 m s.l.m.) ci siamo concessi una lunga pausa pranzo.

Si prosegue sullo spettacolare crinale della cresta dello Zatta caratterizzato da un
versante N-NW ricoperto dalla magnifica faggeta of the national forest of the rafts and a S-SE slope steep and bare with a few isolated beech with the typical form "flag" due to the molding force of prevailing winds.

really spectacular on this side of the layers in reggipoggio
sandstone M. Zatta.

The descent begins shortly after passing the peak west of Mt Zatta (1404
m) and is announced by a Madonna and a ladder with iron chain to pass the first stage. (Trail junction 69 for AVML Reppia-M.Zatta West )

Then the trail descends fairly quiet with no major difficulties
alongside the W side of Mt Camilla and through a beautiful wilderness of the broom Salzmann and the landscape ranges from the Val di Vara at the Ligurian coast.

At one point meets the dirt road (about 800 m above sea level) and in theory should cross the path to resume immediately
after the trail. We do not we found the continuation of the path and we followed it down the dirt road and after a bend on the left we have crossed the path below.

Cross a horse B & B ( Boscolandia ), a majesty to the right of the dirt road we
invites you to go down to the houses of Visagna (700 m) and on to the valley of the river where Reppia find two stone bridges (500 m)

cross the bridges go up and then briefly to the village of Reppia (539 m) at 18.15. Here before leaving we allowed ourselves a break at the ACLI for coffee, ice cream and a chat.

Overall Rating: the ring is very demanding but rewarding in all respects, especially for large landscapes and its natural features. Very nice for the variability of the route, which includes mule
gravel paths, a short stretch of trail facilities and other short stretches where we help you with your hands. The Zatta then it is a "real" mountain, a stone's throw from the sea, with all the nice contrasts and contamination of the case.

From attention:
tackle the course in good weather conditions and training stable. Some sections If soaked by rain are dangerous as slippery. The sudden fog and low clouds are common, especially in spring and autumn. I never trail in the winter with the snow but I think that only experts and well-equipped hikers can tackle it and always with the utmost care.

signposts: along the route is marked "A11" that characterizes the Ring
of Zatta. And 'this is the sign that the FIE CAI. It lies on the path of the signs dell'AVML connection (eg by a Monte Prato Arzeno Pinello) and the stretch of ridge crest Zatta of Mt.

Signs CAI

- 5T Alta Via delle Cinque Terre. It is found from the snake P.so up to Monte Prato Pinello


Signs FIE
- by up to Arzeno M. Zatta empty red circle

- From Monte Zatta Reppia in two parallel red lines

karstology Path:
path "nature" theme Geological Survey, edited by Park
dell'Aveto. E '10 km long and marked by poles with square wooden signpost SC. The route is a ring with arrival and departure from Arzeno. -

Poster SIC:
to Repp, Arzeno, Pian d'P.so Oneto and the snake are
these boards with panels illustrating the geological, fauna, flora and even historical territory interessto SIC (Site of Community Interest) M. Zatta P.so-of-Mouth-P.so Chiapparino Mt Bossea IT1331909 with an area of \u200b\u200b3009 has

Total difference in elevation: 972 m

Net time of travel: ToT.: 6h 15 '

- Arzeno - P.so Biscia of 1 h

- P.so the snake - M. Chiappozzo 45 '

- P.so the snake - M. Zatta 2h 20 '

- M. Zatta - Reppia 2h 55'

full tour with several stops and pace rather quiet:
7 h 50 'including lunch break of 1 h 35'

Features end:

- From Plan to Arzeno Oneto: mule quite well preserved

- From Plan to M. Oneto Zatta di Ponente: medium-easy hike with some easy and short passages and climbing up rocks on M. Chiappozzo that
on M. Pinello lawn.
NOTE: beginning a descent from M. Zatta di Ponente is equipped with an iron chain and a few steps, a mini-mini railway and nothing more (obviously not recommended that you suffer from vertigo
By M. Zatta Monte di Ponente to Camilla: apart from the easy " ferrata "go down a steep but easy ridge walk From Camilla to Mount Visagna: il sentiero si allarga fino a divenire sterrata mentre le pendenze si addolciscono. Lunghi tratti sconnessi causa passaggio moto fuoristrada.
- Da Visagna a Reppia: in prevalenza mulattiera ben conservata eccetto un breve tratto stretto e coperto da vegetazione sotto Visagna. Prestare attenzione alle rocce ofiolitiche, scivolose se

Gli ambienti e gli aspetti naturalistici di rilievo:
Il percorso è vario e di notevole interesse geologico e naturalistico. Uccelli rapaci e di pascolo montano faranno la soddisfazione dell’appassionato Birdwatching (Shrike, gardener, calendar, harrier, nightjar, golden eagle) and flower lovers can indulge themselves between May and July with abundant blooms of orchids and some details such as saffron Ligurian endemism. (pictured Crocus sp. )
- Karst Area Pian d'Oneto

- karst M. Chiappozzo

- Sandstones of Monte Zatta (M. Zatta on course ...)

- serpentinites and basalts (P.so snake and between Visagna and Reppia)

- Ligurian
Saffron (Crocus ligusticus Mariotti)
- Faggeta state property M. Zatta (100 ha)

- Bosso and flora of serpentine
- Mineralogical Museum of Reppia
Tel 0185.339288 SIL.MA.
- Land of the broom Salzmann
- orchids

- Birdwatching: Birds of prey and birds of mountain pastures

Presence of drinking water is good to stock up on water
in the public fountain
Arzeno. By M. Zatta with a deviation of 200 m you reach a fountain. A Reppia were made to drink from a tap near the private path courtesy of the owner.

supporting points and refreshments along the way:

- ACLI to Reppia of Arzeno
- Bar Pizzeria "The Cat and the Fox" by Arzeno

- Restaurant "Villa Rosa" by Arzeno

- B & B "Boscolandia" of Visagna

- Bar restaurant "by Dido" of Visagna

wrong notes and degradation:
tract M. Zatta di Ponente, the notes begin Visagna dolenti per le condizioni del fondo, rovinato e solcato dalle ruote delle moto fuoristrada che erodendo e sconnettendo il percorso (un’antica mulattiera da quanto si può capire da alcuni tratti ancora leggibili) rende la discesa faticosa e passibile di distorsioni. In alcuni tratti nemmeno i cavalli e i trattori potrebbero passare. Tra Visagna e Reppia, sul fondo del rio Rocchette e de Torrente Reppia giacciono, probabilmente da anni, alcuni rifiuti ingombranti.

Collegamenti e mezzi di trasporto


- Charter of Alta Val di Vara 1:25000 paths with the paths FIE Study Centre Val di Vara LUNA Ed

- Charter of paths and shelters 1:25000 "Riviera di Levante - Gulf of Tigullio Ed Multigraphic

- Paper trail 1:25000 "Sestri Levante
- Val Graveglia" Study Nature EdM paths with FIE
- Discovering the Valley Graveglia, mining, farming culture and architecture
- AA.VV. Sagep Publisher 1994

- Guide to trails of Alta Val di Vara, G. Barbed Cartographic Studio Italian
- Liguria guide 14-Aveto Valley, John Merian, 1994 Sagep Publishing
- Liguria guide 18-Valli di Sestri Levante, John Merian, 1998 Sagep Publishing

screenplay, characters, performers and background ...

The band consisted of four elements wind: Stephen B., Stephen Christmas, Gabriele Palladino, Vagobrado. All a bit 'do not walk, but his breath and his legs held up well. The climate was a more light-hearted that you can not, four overgrown babies on leave without wives and girlfriends.

External links:
- Regional Natural Park dell'Aveto
- Mountain Community

- SIC M. Zatta ...
- Aveto.
net - The beech M. Zatta
- Karst Pian d'Oneto
- Val Pro Loco Graveglia
- City of Ne
- B & B Boscolandia
- Natura 2000 network in Liguria
- trail connecting 69 for AVML Reppia-M.Zatta West

Phone Number For Disney Stores Australia


Dear friends who follow this blog, I owe you an apology for this long absence. A bit 'of news has kept me away from hiking. Since the last post in March, Vagobrado opened a farm, he became pastor of three well-alpine chamois goats, which (guess what ') were also made to milk so she had to learn how to milk and make cheese . As if that were not enough, and 'got a new job to engage continuously every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. And finally ... hear hear, hopefully Vagobrado is about to become a daddy! So, as you can see there's meat to fire or so, but now let's start telling you about a wonderful hike that dates back to September 6 this year. ENJOY and GOOD SHOES TO ALL!