Thursday, March 26, 2009

Do U Have Cervical Mucous Before Period?

Vagobrado by keen collector of good erbi "of Liguria and Lunigiana you up with an initiative of the nature of the mycological Cai Sarzana who organized two days for the recognition and collection of weeds. HAPPY SPRING TO ALL !

Monday, March 23, 2009

Primus Gas Shower Operating Instructions

The return of the Blue Trail Reopens between Manarola and Corniglia

publishing the press release Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre :

" E 'reopened stretch of the Blue Trail linking the villages of Manarola and Corniglia. Please note however that, from Monday to Friday from 7 to 10, the trail will be closed due to work. "

Last Thursday I was over there for work and talking with the guys from the information points to Manarola, Riomaggiore and Monterosso I had confirmation that the section of the Blue Trail Monterosso, Vernazza would be closed but the guards made by the Municipal brigade have been moved and some hiker ventures anyway. The advice is to inquire by calling the info points in the Park:

Tourist Park

Riomaggiore - Manarola
Tel 0187 920633 - Tel 0187 760511
Corniglia - Vernazza
Tel 0187 812523 - Tel 0187 812533 \u200b\u200b
Monterosso al Mare - Tel 0187 817059

Thursday, March 12, 2009

How Many Ambien 10 Mg Is Lethal

-Trails Group Meeting Lab.Ter La Spezia

I attended today at programming Group of Paths Lab.Ter of La Spezia.
I missed the last meetings in recent months for various other commitments and in the meantime the group has expanded, efforts have increased, and much work has been done. Oggi erano presenti 28 persone che rappresentavano varie realtà associazionistiche ed istituzionali del territorio: Coop.Liguria , G.E.V ., la sez. C.A.I. della Spezia , Coop. Baia dei Pirati , Pro.Loco di Biassa , Ostello di Biassa , W.W.F ., Panathlon sez. La Spezia, Ass. Mangiatrekkyng , Ass. Campiglia , Ist. Alb. Casini , Uff. Verde Urbano e altri now unfortunately I do not know why I came back a bit 'late.
Fabio Giacomazzi (Head and leader of the group), reported on the status of initiatives and innovations. Important news is the confirmation of regional funding for the maintenance and enhancement of ' AVG . which will see the city of La Spezia is the project leader together with the Regional Park of Monte Marcello and the Regional Park of Portovenere. Will be restored some cross paths used to reach the AVG and cleaned up the main track, including variants! (Which is the good time the PEL Strada di Redemè ?). A quanto pare parte dei fondi verranno utilizzati anche per realizzare di una cartina e di alcuni punti di sosta con tavoli e panchine.
Coop Liguria , analogamente alle iniziative già intraprese a Savona e Genova, si occuperà del recupero del sentiero Pegazzano-Biassa e chiiede la collaborazione del gruppo.
Si è parlato anche di una giornata sulla prevenzione degli incendi che il CIDAF organizzerà probabilmente nella Palestra nel Verde del Monte Parodi .
Infine ci siamo lasciati mettendo in calendario altri due appuntamenti:
Tuesday, March 24 at 17.00 at the site of a meeting will Lab.Ter theoretical techniques and criteria for scoring of the paths by the CAI Sez. La Spezia, while
Tuesday, March 31 same time and place, a meeting on methods and criteria for the cleaning of the paths.
To join the group and for more information contact Dr. Fabio Giacomazzi c / o Lab.Ter
of Poplar Street, 10-19123 La Spezia Tel 280 211 0187 Fax 575 169 0187 e-
cmsp.labter @

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Cabbage Patch With Leg Braces

The "Scala Santa and the Monastery of Montenero

Antica via di pellegrinaggio locale, la Scala Santa finì per essere dimenticata quando i devoti del culto Mariano scoprirono la comodità della strada asfaltata per raggiungere le loro mete. Fu recuperata sul finire dell’anno 2000 dalla locale Sezione C.A.I . ma ancora oggi rimane poco conosciuta e percorsa. Questa splendida scalinata in pietra arenaria costituita da grandi blocchi di pietra che possono raggiungere alcuni quintali di peso, costituisce un tratto della via che metteva in comunicazione il Santuario della Madonna di Monte Nero situato sulla costa, con Il Santuario della Madonna dell’Agostina situato nell’entroterra Val di Vara, in the City of Riccò del Golfo. During the Pentecost and occasion of the coronation of the Virgin Mary, the pilgrims moved from the hinterland to the coastal sanctuary, and vice versa, the holidays of the Ascension, the pilgrims were on the coast to go to the Shrine of the Augustinian.

The hike in short circular route from the base Bivio Bramapane at the foot of M. Verrugoli . From the junction, (known with the name " Trincerone ") overlooking the valley of Riomaggiore, you can see a trace of the path that descends into the chestnut sent detaching from No. 1. The path becomes wider and then immediately see the magnificent staircase of sandstone known as the "Scala Santa . I went down the steep steps, you will soon reach the abandoned " Cava Schiappacasse . The point is panoramic and the square of the old quarry can admire the coastline and the village of Riomaggiore. Carry on up the dirt road and after a few minutes intersects the paved road that came from Loc Telegraph Hill, comes in here loc. Cerricò . Follow it downhill with switchbacks until you reach the left (aq about 400 m) the path that leads to the Sanctuary of Montenero . Although paved, the road through a shady wood, is very busy having access only to residents. The shrine was built on a natural terrace and enjoys a unique panorama of Portovenere dall'arcipelago up to the Ligurian Alps to SW to W and S with optimum conditions of time sometimes you can see the outline of Corsica. From here they sent along the n 3 that are trough vineyards (some still farmed but mostly uncultivated and overgrown by scrub and pine forest) reaches the old core Lemmen. Continue further and still climbing, you will reach in loc. C olle Telegraph. From here follow the path of the ridge n 1 (AVG) to return to the starting point in loc. Bivio Bramapane
Note 1: the name " Bramapane "
Note 2: the Sanctuary of the Madonna di Monte Nero

signposts: tracing the paths by the CAI Sez. La Spezia, signs and flags would need a "brush up" as worn. It 'still the old signs dell'abolito Regional Park. Signs of ' AVG

Total difference in elevation: 272 m

Net time of travel:

- Bramapane junction (626 m) - Quarry Schiappacasse (518 m): (coll. Sent 1-3a), 25 '

- Schiapacasse quarry (518 m) - Madonna di Montenero (354 m): (Sent 3a), 45 '

- Santuario di Montenero -Telegrafo (513 m): (sent 3), 1h 15’

- Telegrafo (513 m)- Bivio Bramapane (626 m): (sent 1), 45’

Giro completo con soste varie e andatura tranquilla:

Caratteristiche del fondo:
- spettacolari gradini in pietra arenaria dal Bivio Bramapane alla Casa Schiappacasse; in alcuni punti hanno un po’ ceduto.
- Strada sterrata e in parte asfaltata tra la cava e il collegamento con il sent per il Santuario di Montenero
- Sentiero con breve tratti di selciato
e scalini in pietra tra il Santuario di Montenero e il Bivio Bramapane, via Telegrafo (sent 3 e 1)

Gli ambienti: Si inizia il percorso attraversando castagneti cedui“contaminati” da lecci che risalgono le quote più alte; seguono pinete di pino marittimo, macchia mediterranea con leccio, corbezzolo, eri c a arborea che ha colonizzato terraces at higher altitudes, a fragrant scrubland with thyme, rue, euphorbia bush . small grove of aspen on path 1

presence of drinking water:
supplies are available only at the bar of Telegraph Hill or that of the Sanctuary, or alternatively, making a detour from Telegraph Hill, you can reach Loc S. Antonio where there is a public fountain (extends about 40 'there and back)

supporting points and refreshments along the way:
- Bar Restaurant Telegraph Hill, Telegraph Loc
- Bar Restaurant Guesthouse Sanctuary of Montenero

Both facilities are managed by the National Park of Cinque Terre

wrong notes and degradation:
Near Telegraph Hill, along the dirt road that bit
rta Schiappacasse the quarry (third sent) there are various types of waste (plastic film, packaging, baskets for transport of construction materials by helicopter and other crap). The ease of access by public motor and the quietness of the area facilitates the illegal dumping of construction waste by some idiots. What is more surprising is the utter indifference with which those who live and work (travel to boot) a short walk from these wastes are not worthy to literally clean up "even in the face at home." As usual, I collected what I could, a drop in the bucket ...
The section of route path 1 a few months ago he was concerned by the latest fire surface. It is expected to grow in the coming months of a forest of bracken fern ...

and transport links:
Bramapane the junction is only accessible by car (from La Spezia, follow the SS1 Aurelia until old loc. La Foce and from there take the left Via Parodi finally reaching Bivio Bramapane)

Map: La Spezia
West Charter escursionistica1: 25,000 - Firm Cartographic Italy
no (GE) Cinque Terre Golfo della Spezia Montemarcello, Tourist map of the trails and scale 1: 25.000, ed. Multigraphic Cinque Terre and Park of Monte Marcello paper trail 1:40.000, CAI Sez. La Spezia


- L. Bonati, The secret sea of \u200b\u200bthe Cinque Terre , Ed Graphic Luni-2001
- M. Mariotti, Cinque Terre , Erga Edizioni, 1998

- A. Giran Guide to Cinque Terre , Ed Sagep, 1999