Thursday, February 19, 2009

Kates Playground Gallery Blog

The little toe ring Manara

I beg your pardon, but now I realized not to be able to update this blog in real time! So here it is only now going to tell the tour on Sunday 25 January ...
"We're a bit 'out of ideas sul'itinerario
to do. We have not planned anything and after a brief session phone with Stephen, considering the possible routes, we realize che lui non è mai stato a Punta Manara mentre io pur essendoci stato non ho mai chiuso l’anello. Il giro è breve e piuttosto facile, inoltre c’è la possibilità una volta arr
ivati a Sestri Levante di fare due passi tra le viuzze di questa splendida cittadina rivierasca, dove infatti verso sera abbiamo trovato molto movimento, locali aperti e un’atmosfera accogliente (purtroppo non c’è paragone con i sonnacchiosi borghi dell’estremo levante, che peccato)

L'escursione in breve
Il sentiero si prende dal Via XXV Aprile in the historical center where im
mouth Vico the button INI uncle to whom we find the signs about to Punta Manara. Climb dolcemen you, no cracks, soon was among the olive trees, enjoying a beautiful view of the Gulf S ilenzio and you tta the coast of Tigullio. Climb an cora , the olive can leave to the Mediterranean and the Aleppo pine . In Loc "chestnut" , we see the entrance on the left of the path that leads in Loc Madonna della Neve (marking three full red dots), emerging from them to return and now continue on the main trail which quickly leads us into Loc Telegraph. Here is a low building now used as a bivouac and Environmental Education Centre. In front of the building there are some wooden tables and benches that invite wing break but because they are in shadow, it's worth continue a little longer to reach the ruins of an old watchtower from which the landscape is exceptional: it ranges from Punta Mesco the Gulf of Tigullio, the Maritime Alps and behind the sea, the Ligurian Apennines today spol verato of snow. Here, we take a long lunch break then go back to 200 meters up to a clearing where the trail ch and quite e are made to climb the cross , indicated by two red dots, which runs halfway up the on Monte Castello We take the East side it up to cross the path that goes on M. Castle. We continue than ever following the two red dots until just over on the left, you leave this trail to take the path through the Vallone Ravino (marking three red dots ) reconnecting in fact upon the location loc. "Since u castágnu" This allows us to close the loop and get back to Sestri Levante .

See more pictures of the excursion ...

Note: Before entered on the path through the Valley Ravine, it's worth a quick detour that brings us up to a kiosk that houses a large marble statue , dated 1813, depicting the Madonna della Neve and Child .

signboards and signs

signboards and signs in cu ra FIE:
- Sestri Levante
From the Telegraph two squares filled with red

-From the Telegraph newspaper shop of the Madonna della Neve, two dots
full red- Dall 'niche of
Madonna of the Snow to Loc "chestnut" three red dots full .
also near the
Telegraph There are some educational boards illustrating the main sort of mac Mediterranean scrub (nature trail "Punta Manara)
Total difference in elevation: 225 m

Net time distance:
2h 45 '

Tour of with various stops and pace rather quiet: 5h (we stopped at 2 h Telegraf
or between lunch and nap!)

Fund Characteristics: Fund selciato e sentiero, ben tenuti e facilmente percorribili
a di acqua potabile: solo a Sestri Levante

P un ti di ap poggio e ristoro lungo il tragitto: “Bivacco Manara” in Loc. Telegrafo, a disposizione per scolaresche, comitive, gruppi di studio. Info Mountain Community of Val- Petronio Casarza Liguria (GE) 0185 46229. Should contact the Montana Community to get the keys. (News, the mountain community was dissolved on 31/12/2008!)

Notes naturalis
policies interesting along the path from Sestri Levante rose to Tele graph we observed a small population of oaks a cork (Quercus suber ). The presence here of this oak has a particular particular natural value is in fact the population north for this species. In the past, when the climate was warmer current, cork occupied a large areal more . The climatic events have reduced the populations. But the reasons for its progressive disappearance are also duvute man. The latest Chronicles fact, there say that before the Second War the cork occupied the promontory surfaces May Giori current. Then during the conflict many plants were torn down for firewood. elders remember a cork oak forest extended along the coast of M. Cast ello known as "u Boscu be born"

Notes historical and artistic
-newspaper of the Madonna della Neve

-Remains of the tower of Punta Manara

wrong notes and degradation:
nothing relevant

and transport links: The
n Car along the A12 Genoa -Livorno exit at Sestri Levante train: info hours re trains to and from Sestri Levante

Charter of trails and huts 1:25000 " Riviera the Eastern Gulf of Tigullio "

A. Cabin - M. Cabona., Punta Manara, land and sea routes , Sagep Publishing-1989

screenplay, characters, performers and background ... Franca, Stephen and for the first time with us Marco, Francesco, Taco, his sympathetic tico puppy

Monday, February 9, 2009

How To Remove Hair Near Viginea

Conference "SAFE IN THE MOUNTAINS" The Ring of Monte

I must point out the convention with debate " safe mountain "to be held on 21 February at 10.30 am in the council chamber of the Province of La Spezia (Via Veneto 2, SP). The conference is a project of the National Mountain Rescue involving sections CAI La Spezia and Sarzana, and in support of the Province.
Under the 20 February at 16.30 at the council chamber of the Province of La Spezia will be the projection 's ascent to K2 in August 2008 with a conference and debate which will be attended Marco Confortola, mountaineer and mountain guide. For more information enlarge the poster of the above meeting. See you soon!

Visit initiative