Thursday, January 8, 2009

Swollen Ankles Caused By Alcohol


By far one of the most beautiful hikes in recent months made . This was ultimately satisfied with our overall assessment. Have certainly contributed to the successful conclusion of the excursion to the beautiful day, calm, not so cold allowed us to enjoy remarkable views, with the chain of snowy Alps never seen before that! ( see all the pictures of the excursion )

The hike in short leaving the car at the p ace of Romaggi (723 m), take the trail (trail FIE +7 P) crossing the M. Mignano on the eastern side reaching the Passo del Dente (899 m). Hence the mule ttiera continues briefly beyond the steep slope W layers of "sandstone Monte Gottero” (loc. “Ciappa del Dente”) rese attraversabili grazie ad antiche sistemazioni in pietra, fino ad arrivare in Loc. “Pian dei Baci” (922 m) dove si abbandona la mulattiera principale (segnavia 7P + due pallini rossi FIE) per percorrere un sentiero che rip idamente sale nel bosco di cerri (segnavia: due pallini rossi e un quadrato rosso vuoto). In breve si esce dal bosco per intercettare il crinale- spartiacque tra la Val Fontanabuona e il vallone del Ra maceto, in Loc. Colla di Feia (1131 m). Si segue ora il crinale in salita raggiungendo la vetta Sud del Monte Ramaceto (1318 m) dove è situata una cappella-ricovero with an outdoor altar and a small Madonna in bronze. Here you will find the trail of ' AVML that follows to achieve, via the ridge, the main peak of Mount Ramaceto (1345 m). Now we start to go down, still following the watershed, past the point where the AVML ga left foot down in the beech forest on the ridge to continue following the trail FIE (red X). At an altitude of 1160 m on the inner side of the valley of the M. Ram vinegar opens in pastures with a much gentler slope. Here you leave the marked path to take towards the W, right, a trace of trail between pastures invaded by ferns (no signs!). It should be very careful to keep track gi usta by mistake by not following one of many false trails open by grazing animals . You go through two successive valleys each with a trough makeshift obtained from reuse of old bathtubs. It then descends along a series of short hairpins. Not without some difficulty maintaining the correct orientation and then trace it intercepts a mule track which quickly allows you to get the Loc Meadows Cichero recognizable, even at a distance, for the presence of a fence round to animals, with a lone fir tree in the center. It now follows a dirt road that easy exceed Loc Casoni Larvego (where there is a farm). The road then bends left with a hairpin, dropping to Villagrande Cichero as our journey continues to the right along a wide dirt road that leads to Pa SSO Romaggi

Note: the ' route of the 7 steps

From Passo di Pian dei Baci Romaggi we met the signage along this route so named because its 17 km meets just 7 passes on his way from Carasco Lorsica. The course was designed and built at the turn of 1995-96 by Annila 'Association Colombo Fontanabuona 2000 "with the financial support of the community Valfontanabuona of Montana, the Province of Ge nova and the four municipalities traversed. Maintenance involved the "boars" team "Genova 2Levante.

signboards and signs: most of the trails is curated by the FIE with the characteristic and sometimes chaotic symbols with geometric shapes, while the symbolism CAI is limited to the stretch of path dall'AVML Ridge. It should be noted the absence of signs tract that connects the crest of Ramaceto (q approximately 1160 m) at Loc Meadows Ciche ro, revealed to me by a dotted black on the map. Unfortunately this map, shown on the three panels depicting the SIC has the serious flaw of return paths also no signs that this is not specified or shown. As a result, and we are witnesses firsthand, we are led to believe that it is as clear and trails while the other hand, in our case, mant enus path and orientation was difficult at that point .

Total difference in height: About 670 m

Net time of travel: 5h 25 '

Tour complete with several stops and pace rather quiet: 6h 40 '

Fund features: mule you ride the mountains where at times there are traces of a paved surface and stone walls (Po-Romaggi Pian dei Baci, which leads to the Mule Meadows Chicheri) ; on the ridge path you walk on a path where sometimes exposed and in short stretches using my hands. Not hazardous under optimal conditions, but should be very cautious in case of bad weather (fog, snow, ice, rain). Dirt road and paved for a short distance from the Meadows of Cichero of Romaggi.

environments, flora and fauna: The slopes that AFFA cciano Val Fonta nabuona and Aveto wooded and are marked on the lower floor of the forest of oak in which are placed some samples of oak and cork-oak (!), while at higher altitudes dominated by beech. The slopes that overlook the great amphitheater of Mount Ramaceto, steepest and rocky, cone characterized by mostly degraded pastures, surely regularly crossed by fire, dominated by grasses, bracken fern, broom, heather, heather and a few isolated individual of Cerro and beech. This side, though degraded, is very interesting from the standpoint of floristic biodiversity. This fact indicates the presence of many orchids in the spring of Cavillier Violet (Viola limekiln ssp. Cavillier), and Gentiana Gentiana asclepiadea kochiana. In the area there are the Apennine wolf and golden eagle. The area is part of the Monte Ramaceto SIC (Site of Community Interest). Particularly impressive to the banks of the layers of sandstone Zatta's M.Gottero-ordered to reggipoggio gently slopes toward the valley where Aveto are covered by forest of beech and oaks, and surfacing on steep southern slopes.

presence of drinking water : 300 m from the glue to Fei (1131 m) is reported as a source but we have not personally verified.

supporting points and refreshments along the way : on the south summit of Mt Ramaceto (1318 m) is a small chapel- shelter is always open while Loc Casoni Larvego of the farm is "Da-o Cason de Larvego" (Tel: 333 2121161) and the ACLI "The Ramaceto" bar-restaurant (340 8419779-338 3757381)

Chapel - Refuge M. Ramaceto : this small stone building with the opening to the W was built by this Gino Foppiano of Cicagna in 1949. In 1968, lightning destroyed (!) And was then rebuilt by the CAI Chiavari in 1971

wrong notes and degradation: unfortunately we noticed that even these beautiful places Peace attract hordes of off-road motorcycle enthusiasts as evidenced by the grooves of the tread and the signs of erosion in and out of the paths. But we've got to have a visual contact with centaurs, we have seen from a distance when passing by P.sso del Dente almeno 5 di queste moto provenienti dal di Romaggi e dirette a Costa di Sotto.

Collegamenti e mezzi di trasporto: In auto si esce al casello di Chiavari dell’autostrada A12 Genova-Livorno, si prosegue sulla SP 225 della Val Fontanabuona, si supera Carasco fino a prendere sulla destra la SP 42 che sale a Romaggi - Via del Ramaceto (20,5 km circa). In autobus è possibile, con linea 14 solo feriale, raggiungere da Chiavari - stazione F.S. il paese di Villagrande di Cichero (consulta orari)


Alto appennino piacentino, Carta escursionisti ca 1:50000-Regione Emilia Romagna-CAI-ed 1996

Bibliografia esenziale:

- C.Pezzani,S. Grillo, A piedi in Liguria-Guide Ite r-2007

Sceneggiatura, personaggi, interpreti ed antefatti...

Vagobrado, Gabriele, Stefano, together again, they measured their strength and their spirit in the mountains. Many moments of peace and friendship and a moment of anguish when, still a long way from the arrival and now at sunset, you could not find the right way that indefatigable was lost, and it was then that the legendary Gabriel (the first left into photo) has tried to convince us, now a prey to hallucinations of various kinds sarrebbe our only hope was to go down into a gully in the hope of intercepting the path ... ... that he suffers from vertigo ...